
That psychologist needs a new profession, and your mother should butt the hell out.

I’m just going to quibble with your phrasing. You’re paying for the schooling does not give you a “right” to check-ins. They’re abolsutely reasonable to negotiate with your son, but if you look at them as entitlements you will create discord with him.

need another category: yes, with or without beard, but he’s got to be gagged, bound, and at my mercy.

Repeating your position ad nauseum is not a conversation. Keep trying.

Somethings in me get cold and clench as I look at this image.

Yep. Everytime I see Seth Green, I dream.

They’re rather lurid.

Oh, Christ. Those eyebrows.

You expect to be able to repeat yourself ad nauseam, without change or apology, and create respect?

Your ex-fiance is an asshole for pulling that shit. I do hope he’s never gotten an opportunity to forget what kind of shit. Perhaps you were able to innocently pass on to his family and friends how his behaviour made you feel...

If I needed proof that you’re trolling, this was it. Thanks.

Your initial post was rude and disrespectful. Rather than simply correct yourself and apologize for your shitty choice of words - choices that numerous people have called you out on - you keep doubling down like a complete fucking douche.

Right, you’re an idiot. I’m sure 99.999999% of readers will agree.

You should. Like attracts like.

“I’m willing to give the typically 99.9999% of men will choose the woman who doesn’t have an STD.”

Your initial choice of words - your thoughtlessness and utter lack of empathy - are what’s being critiqued, not your personal choice.

Oh wow. You are so wrong. A great many men will have sex with someone who has HSV, or HIV, for that matter. Many men choose their partners based on interest in them as human beings, not simply how safely fuckable they happen to be.

“I would be so quick to run out that door if my SO told me before we started to be intimate that she had or has a STD.”

What part of that phrasing was polite or respectful of your partner, who’s just taken the risk of disclosing their health status to you? No part of it at all. Think about that.

You’ve come back with a

“good fucking riddance” indeed.

Congratulations! Your inability to fathom, and your apparent laziness in researching to clear up that inability, ensure that you’ll perpetuate the stigma of contracting an STD, making it more difficult for people to disclose and manage healthy and active lives, in and out of bed.

Thank you for this post. You’ve covered a great many things without using any hyperbole, and that’s appreciated. As one who came out in 1984, I’ve experienced enough hyperbolic bullshit for a lifetime.