
You want intellectual honesty in health care? Just how much individual responsibility do you see people accepting for their coronary heart disease, or any other illness that behaviour contributes to development of and progression? There’s rather overwhelming evidence in those arenas as well, yet we don’t hear of the

Yeah, you might want to rethink that. Braking to teach the vehicle behind you a lesson can result in charges against you for reckless driving, but only if it can be proven that you’re working with invisible squirrels. As you say, that would be difficult to prove.

Many people lack basic logic. Conflation of “people who engage in risk activities” and “all people” has long been far too common. It’s clear you understand the difference, but please don’t assume that those around are as enlightened.

Analyzing his behaviour is acceptable and reasonable. Using snippets of his behaviour to justify sensational reporting or overreactions is not. That very sensationalism leads to far too many people having the working hypothesis that “sluts deserve HIV.” It’s not the same thing, but many conflate the two.

If it helps her decide, I always drive stick.

And that makes you any less of an asshole, how?

Regarding #7 primarily and all the rest secondarily: you are my kind of guy. Wanna go for a ride?

Splitting space? Doesn’t exist - there is no entitlement here.

On the upside, this guy’s given police all the evidence they need. He’ll be found, charged, and fined or convicted as appropriate.

The potential for greater loss is, I’m sure, part of the reason why VW has offered trade-in credit. I’d bet that VW dealers will be offering slightly greater than open market trade allowances as well.

So, wait until the uncertainties of the immediate situation are resolved, and then assess again.

Caught the pun. As a Canadian, wasn’t overly impressed. It’s a low-hanging-fruit thing; it’s fairly easy to come up with puns about any country, and not particularly admirable to use the easiest.

Just wow. How inbred one’s genetics must be for Trump’s spewings to make sense.

All I can say: Yay!

She was kissing, not fucking.

Sneezing in your face.

I think I love your father. The level of ignorance that existed in the 80’s and 90’s meant HIV+ friends were always educating and always tired from educating. Realists like your father were surpassingly rare. Sometimes I think they’re still the rarest bird.

“McCarthy also wondered why actors engaged in kissing scenes weren’t required to disclose their HIV status.”

Oh, those shorts... I’d have had my hand playing with his boys.

Yep. well. When you’ve finished putting up the quarantine fences and barbed wire, you just let us know.

Information is key. Scare tactics, like the hyperbole you’ve used in more than one comment, are reprehensible. They do more to increase stigma associated with HIV and prevent people from getting information or