
It may not fit the classic definitions of hate speech, but in Canada it would qualify for investigation at least. As for Goldsmiths, looks like they have a diversity officer they need to fire.

Ah, I read your response to me and then conflated it with the immediately below one (same image...) as you say, people are dumb sometimes. (Most annoying when I’m saying it about myself!) Apologies for the error.

The book details the political machinations of the CDC during the period. It’s insightful and instructive in how it details public perception management efforts. Further, it explains why many folk do not trust the CDC to accurately or effectively report on HIV.

It’s like, the first ten amendments to the Constitution, you know...

Oh, because the CDC has never mis-characterized illnesses in order to ensure it received funding, or to manage public perception of its own activities?

Yeah, your constitution’s ideals really don’t mean crap in this case, much like the ideal of the bill of rights applies little in day-to-day life despite the proselytizing of millions of americans.

“Perfectly reasonable, but people want to blame the victims, so... Of course they don’t want to consider that possibility.” = Douche, no?

I think a lot of my railing in these threads is over the “human beings are often quite dumb.” I come from an existence where people are not only encouraged to participate in their

Uh. Yes?

Thank you. A simple voice of reason.

He SAYS he did. And if he didn’t, one or more of those sexual partners will come forward with a lawsuit or criminal charges will be filed under some stupid fucking disclosure laws.

Because filling people with fear is so 1980’s?

You’re pretty sure?

You represent the nadir of the human race, lacking empathy or sympathy. You hang like a vulture on a pole at the side of the road waiting for your next meat to scavenge.

And since all of what you say, at least immediately above, is accurate (more difficult transmission, more women seroconvert than men from het sex, less risk associated with vag sex) why do you come off sounding like a douche throughout all of your comments?

I’ve got it. It’s likely because you’re “e x t r e m e l y”

“I really don’t believe that’s how Magic Johnson contracted HIV.”

Always use a condom when giving or receiving vaginal or anal sex everyone it is important.

That depends on lubrication. Micro-tears in the glans develop fairly easily with insufficient lube.

That’d be hypocritical, no?

And discriminatory speech rarely results in an arrest as well. In many discrimination cases under the human rights code an arbitrator determines the fine.

You make a strong argument for the manufacturer simply producing the hormone pills and bottling them, and leaving adherence entirely in the consumer’s hands.