
You open a business, you get a license to operate, under specific circumstances - you agree not to discriminate by paying for that license. You don’t like that agreement? Work to change the law, and either comply until you do or close your business until you’ve accomplished your legal goals.

Nicely explained.

“I hate Muslims...” - okay in Canada

Policing hate speech is not fascism in any form.

“I hope your families get blown up by ISIS.” - April Major

The laws don’t prevent someone speaking out about terrorist acts; rather, they apply to discriminatory speech about a protected class. These are different things - this twat wasn’t decrying terrorism, she was denigrating all “muslins.”

Do grok the difference.

Then maybe a quarter of Americans would learn?

We don’t know that any of these women noted a change in their medication packets, that the placebo week was a different colour, or in a different week. We don’t know if they were fearful of asking questions (it’s been posited elsewhere, and I’m wtf? over it still.) We don’t know if hundreds of others taking the same

Oh, dear. You’re American, aren’t you?


It’s always difficult to understand something when your mind is closed.

It’s a theory supported by decades of research. Try doing some reading.

As a troll that was rather pathetic.

Thank you. As a contributing member of the LGBT community, I find Caitlyn Jenner woefully lacking. Her celebrity, privilege, and entitlement will ensure that she influences “mainstream” society in many ways that will then need to be corrected or unlearned. I wish I could call it progress...

The theory is that expressing such a violent hope publicly will encourage others to act on that expression.

Protecting marginalised sections of society is fascism now?

The rules of what passes (here in Canada, anyway - can’t speak for the UK laws) are pretty clear (from cheep’n’ez Wiki):

When it moves into hate speech, yeah - I do want the police and courts involved.

It’s totally embarrassing that I understood this before reading comments.

Oh, do grow up. Accepting some responsibility for your own health and well-being is hardly a ridiculous requirement.

Your pharmacist is cool, and I’m glad you’ve the knowledge to figure it out when they aren’t. I don’t have your resources, so I ask. It really is that simple; if I don’t understand a change, I ask.

As a gay guy, I’m rather unfamiliar with the pill, but I’m intimately familiar with medication compliance issues related to HIV management from twenty years ago when my partner died. The toxicity of some of the products then in use ensured that my partner asked questions when something changed, and then I asked the