
beautiful. electrifying even.


Callous, not complete. There’s room for growth in everyone.

Oh, it’s customary, and it’s also a pretty shitty practice overall. They blow off custom in other ways and push those on customers, so they could choose to fix this shit too.

Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything preventing them from paying their staff more, building it into prices, and advising customers accordingly. Saying “fuck you this is custom” doesn’t quite work on this one, especially since they’re bucking so many other customs with their structure.

I don’t agree that it should erase my ability to empathize, nor can I feel the result is deserved, but I can understand your position somewhat. (I come close to that when considering safe sex and the rampant ignorance in North America.)

Oh, I need to stop reading now. The lack of empathy in these threads has completely screwed over my sarcasm meters.

And what a well-stated opinion it was. Shows your ability to empathize with the families of those young men who made such incredibly poor decisions that resulted in their deaths.

BS, you are full of BS.

Most of society? Which society?

“tragedy isn’t a zero-sum game. It’s possible to feel bad for these kids while also acknowledging that they did something wrong.”

Thank you.

Deserved? Really. With the possible exception of the interrogator-chaplain, who claims innocence of life-endangering stupidity in youth, most folk I know behaved in really stupid ways between 13 and 20 or so, some endangering their own lives (or others in one or two cases.)

Sure. You’re boring as fuck, and never did anything like these two. Not ever. You do realize how “when I was your age...” you’re sounding, I’m sure.

The vortex sounded interesting, at least until we got to tipping.

Yep. You’d think first, do your homework, and only then ask questions. That’s what I’d call an appropriate adult response. Except for replacing that Wiki - everytime you do it, the folks just put their original text back again. ;)

Good on your mom for carrying it with - some of us don’t recognize the lessons we can learn when we hurt people unintentionally. (I’m learning, slowly. Like a pre-global-warming iceberg.)

Was going to ask when brain said “LMGTFY”

I’m not casting stones - I used to do PBJ&Egg sandwiches regularly.

I would emigrate for a job like that.

And that means they should tip you out, when you’ve no risk of ever making less than your stated wage?