
nope, sorry - I’ll continue to leave half to 3/4 of my car in front of me. Before you bitch and moan further, there are two reasons: first, it puts my car on the next inductive loop in the roadway; and second, it means that the asshat who rearends me because he’s on his frickin’ cell phone while approaching a red

And there’s no possibility of creating art from the nude human body in the modern age.

Some opinions deserve ridicule first and foremost.

The 1950’s would like you to travel back now.

You did seem unnecessarily so, yes. I appreciate your review and consideration. In turn, I’ll proffer an apology for the characterization made of you.

You can refuse service to folk for their individual behaviours... no shirt, no shoes comes to mind immediately, of course, but it’s not limited to that. Boorish behaviour, urinating on the floor instead of the bathroom, and many other things would allow for refusal of service.

You missed the point: “inciting harassment of the refused customers.” That goes way beyond simple refusal of service, yet you dismiss it, claiming the incitement is not of import, just the actions of the third parties.

And the privacy violation that resulted in death threats, are they just hurt feelings?

If it means that the bigots learn that operating in the public sphere comes with responsibilities that they can’t dodge, yes. Sue every bloody one of them.

Surprisingly, the BOLI has assessed rather large awards in other discrimination cases as well. One that comes to mind is a $350 award against an employer who attempted to force an employee to attend a religious meeting of some kind. No death threats involved, but certainly it affected the livelihood of the employee.

So it was the Kleins’ principles that caused them to publish the lesbian couple’s address?

Publishing the lesbian couple’s address was sufficient for them to receive death threats. It’s an incredible violation of privacy and exposed them to risks that would not otherwise have occurred.

You’re likely correct, of course. I can but hope that the former path is the end path.

After my maternal grandfather died, I was volunteered to take my darling grandmother out odd Saturdays for the treat that was a meal out and a drive. At first, I’d arrive mid-afternoon, take her on her errands (few or many, it was her car and gas) and then visit one of three or four restaurants near her home for

Suspended? Just suspended? How the hell is asking a child to define theirself of any benefit? I couldn’t have done that in grade school, and I was a little flamer! (If “flamer” bothers you, please to get a life; I’ve got the pictures to prove my opinion.)

That, is a beautiful line.

Wow. That woman deserves every epithet I’m too polite to type.

Nope she doesn’t deserve to have her life ruined over weed. Not over possession, or personal use.

What others have said: we don’t want your conservative little cousin. Tell him to head to Russia instead.

Where there's smoke...