
Bloody brilliant. Brilliantly bloody.

This. My workplace has signs on every exterior door, in the elevators, and every washroom in the building - and still reminders have to be sent out regularly to folk who simply can't clue that they're causing headaches for staff, quite literally.

I hope your review simply said, "Thought about patronizing XXXX, but heard they'd a perfume ban. Confirmed it, and won't attend, since I choose to wear scent."

They made plans? No, they called to confirm the rumour of a perfume ban, then made other plans accordingly.

Oh goody! More sugar and colouring!

Aim for the mouth: snatches have better things to do.

A short summary of this missive: herbivores and carnivores all, grow the fuck up.

I believe I understand the distinction you're making. While I agree that "never leave babies alone" is culturally specific (I was left alone a great deal as a child, and I turned out ffffffine,) I'd need an example of where it's culturally okay to leave a baby unattended and exposed (to weather and strangers) before

BPA: doing for population control what human kind hasn't the balls to do.

I'm waiting for the flash-cards-for-a-rainy-40-days version.

So, in the next round of discussion, will you have an infirm mother along in your party as well?

You ended your first comment - a litany of complaint about how you get poorly treated despite never asking for things that would inconvenience the restaurant - with "I just can't understand strict rigidity when it comes to

You're getting subclass treatment because they're not allowing you to order off-menu, or sit whereever you like in the restaurant, after you've been seated?

You are a bitchy, demanding patron.

No flames here. I'd imagine that had they called ahead, at least one lovely restaurant in the town would have been happy to accommodate them.

Love your attitude about it. I can't imagine being that entitled to simply show up and make the request. Call ahead, sure, but showing up with the expectation, no.

I too have heard of restaurants accommodating this - or making something special off-menu even - when a customer calls ahead to explain the need. With my ex-partner (allergic to beef, milk products, and possessed of a wicked medication induced gluten intolerance - not celiac, but painful and best avoided whenever

OFFS, "my fiance and I" you ignorant twit.


He'd have to learn to spell "yelp."

Plaid. Don't forget plaid.