
Running out of time this AM, but I've read more than enough to know that I really, really, really want this gent to visit JT's next restaurant.

Wow. In just a few more lines, you've gone from childish, belligerent, entitled, and rude to batshit fucking crazy.

My goodness, but your seven point justification sounds like the whinging of a three-year-old whose mother has told him "no donut." The difference is that functioning adults expect that behaviour of a toddler. Yet you claim functioning adult status.

A star simply is insufficient. My hat is off to you!

My father was an alcoholic who browbeat me every day, yet to hear the neighbours and family members tell it, he was constantly telling them how great his kids were and how much he worked to make our lives great. I'm certain he believed our successes were a result of his methods. He certainly took credit for them, even

No, you will never know the joy of bouncing your grandchild on your knee, of cleaning their spittle off of your shoulder after burping them, of giggling with them as they learn how to walk, speak, or chase after the new puppy. Or a myriad of other things.

Based on your presentation, you deserve it. Not because you

Ask your sergeant if they need a houseman.

Folk like that bully generally surround themselves with blindly loyal friends. They're never challenged, and they never have to change or grow up.

"If I can't touch the bartenders there needs to be a sign up that says I can't touch the bartenders."

This client really needed to go back to the swamp with their third-cousin/wife and sixteen children. They just don't belong in a world with strangers.

I'm betting this pastor will be shocked and dismayed by the numbers of folk that wish him ill for his Christian prayers.

Were the owners of the vehicles straight, they'd never have been targeted at all. Reading comprehension: you have failed at it in this instance.

Yeah, building the strength to come out despite the prejudice and violence isn't an accomplishment to take any pride in at all.

Hmm... spending a childhood being different without understanding why, then gaining that understanding only to find most people consider you less than human, only slowly building the strength and trust in yourself to stand and say who you are despite the risk.

If you didn't intend to start an argument with your choice of words, you might want to refrain from calling anyone else an idiot, so very poorly did you choose.

It's an article about a Canadian, and Canadian systems, get your head out of your not-so-rosy ass.

Trolling: an intentional sowing of discord in an internet conversation, starting arguments or upsetting folk with the intent of provoking an emotional response.

"I'm not trying to blame the person who was hit, but talking on the phone while driving is probably not the best idea."

Victim-blaming and denial in just two

Thank you. I was hoping for a magic physics-defying answer; however, since the best a more massive vehicle can do is lessen intrusion, it makes regrettable sense.

Not going to read the whole thread: well trolled!

For larger objects like deer or moose, I've been told a rule of thumb with a car is to come off the brakes just before striking if you can, to increase the impact height and lessen the chances of the creature coming through the windshield. Fortunately, I've never had to test it.

And the courts will take into account the actions of the victim in this woman's sentencing. That is appropriate, not BS.