
Seriously, dude - never go out. You've been sucking up resources and putting nothing back into the system every time you have.

You're being a mite disingenuous here, implying that employers are breaking the minimum wage laws. Liquor servers (or servers who deliver food and liquor) have a different minimum wage than other employees - $9 instead of $10.25.

You might start checking whether the restaurant you're sitting in actually pays more than minimum wage before you forgo that tip.

Uh, no. We don't, but do play again. Filming or photographing in public isn't an activity that requires consent in Canada except in very limited circumstances.

Bake them then, at over 160 degrees. Really, before you call something assault you could do the tiniest bit of reading about transmittable conditions and how to kill them.

Oh, right. She shoved the cupcakes in their faces and held their noses until they swallowed.

As a nice easy way of disrespecting folk you know nothing about but what's reported in a 500 word article. Fucking brilliant, that is.

Ingestion of bodily fluids, hair, and feces is not sexual assault. It's gross, and it may be assault if the ingredients weren't fully cooked, but it isn't sexual assault.

Actually, yes it does. It's called self-defense.

Both sets of ingredients are edible. Not appetizing, but edible.

Read through a bunch of replies, wondering if anyone checked if baking would reduce or eliminate the biohazard of human waste. Short answer: yes, it would. So, none of the ingredients the girl claimed to her bullies are hazards.

"no one knew who the fuck she was"

It's been around a long time. Doesn't mean he is gay, of course, it's a rumour that recycles now and then. Travolta would've been a better cliche to use, but I couldn't think of many movies of his that were about cars. :)

Your terse "and Jalopnik thinks..." really doesn't leave much room for people to believe you're doing anything but dismissing them as non-Journalists. All of your additional explanation would have been great to start a real discussion with - if you'd included it in your original comment.

'"Volvo Wagon". And Jalopnik thinks this is journalism...'

"Are you suggesting that the gays have no sense of humour? That's homophobic."

So, you missed the lesbian joke at the end of my comment then. Good on you for your selective reading skills.

You know, it's really easy to ensure that people know you're not out to get them: you don't use words that you "understand it's the wrong words too use but it was in fun."

You didn't comment on how rainbows aren't what they used to be: you commented on how gays have ruined the rainbow. My point, which you seem to have missed, is that the LGBT rainbow and the traditional rainbow are not the same. LGBT folk tend to recognize that, and that would leave you only to deal with people who

I do hope you were wearing stilettos...