
Deplorable is the word you used to describe the CBSA, who are following processes that need to be updated. Deplorable is the word I used to describe the actions of a person who knew she was breaking Canadian immigration law.

Yeah, I used that last week. :)

You wouldn't have tweeted your girlfriend to book you a new ticket and given her your visa account to do it with, given that opportunity? I know I sure as hell would have.

Where on earth did you get your definition of torture? It's not from the USA or the United Nations.

Yes, when she asked it wasn't possible. Once they'd processed enough to determine the possibilities, she was given the offer and refused. What part of that refusal makes any sense to you? Yes, it is on her. If you think you can just show up at a border illegally and breeze back out when you've discovered what a mess

Given the religious nature of the objection to gay marriage in Canada, I'd say I wasn't conflating anything, but we can agree to disagree on that.

Yes, CBSA sent her to a male facility, and she's in solitary confinement for her protection. The CBSA procedures for processing Trans folk admittedly need to be updated.

I've yet to meet a transwoman who's less body conscious than cis-women; I'm sure some must exist, but all I've met are extremely conscious of any exposure. They're the types who wrap up in a towel before the take off underwear in a communal shower.

Right, you're sincere then. Here's why that argument falls apart: the guy claiming to be transgendered wanting to get into the female area, what's he doing it for? Why, to meet women of course. Once he meets women, he's going to get to know one or more of them, and want 'relations' with them. It is, after all, a guy

Hey, she presents as she, I call her she. CBSA needs training, but someone who's here illegally isn't the woman to begin the process.

She was given the option to leave, and chose to go to detainment (it's in her twitter feed.) This thing has been mishandled, not least by the comedian herself.

Solitary confinement for the length of time this should take for her to be processed and returned home is hardly cruel and unusual punishment.

She tweeted the whole thing and the media wouldn't be involved if they hadn't placed her in detention? You're deranged.

Charity events are actually not problematic at all (my voice coach is a jazz performer who does them in Washington state.) The charity simply sends letters detailing the performance dates, expected returns, and their immense gratitude for the performer's willingness to contribute to such a worthy cause. Combined with

McUncool's response is appropriate. Read it.

These two tweets help clear that up:

"It is a combined maximum security detention centre for remandedprisoners, and medium/maximum correctional centre for offenders sentenced to less than two years."

Avery was never unsafe.

Paperwork for bands is notoriously difficult, and many small bands don't bother to get it done properly. They're prime targets for US Immigration officers. I have little sympathy for any band that simply goes down and plays, and expects decent treatment.