
"I won't tell my kids to not talk to strangers." doesn't equate to "I won't teach my children how to determine who they can approach safely."

And, whether or not a child speaks to a stranger should have zero impact on whether they're abducted. That's the parallel HHHHH was drawing.

No, sorry. By this standard I should be incredibly famous. Fucking fabulously so.

That was beautiful. You should be shot.

It was unclearly written, and I've already acknowledged that in my first response, because I don't want this kind of thing misunderstood.

Pioneered? No. Doing it better? Arguable, dependant upon taste, requirements, and the measure determining "better."

You're kidding, right?

Wow. If you wanted to prove arrogance, great job!

Go read a few forums and then try and say that again with a straight face.

First, my construct draws parallels between myself and Mia, then my brother and Allen. I'm gay. Mia's nuts. My brother's a predator. Allen's a rapist. Hope that makes the parallels clear enough.

Yes, we'll have to agree to disagree. I believe there's a genetic component to behaviour, but think it's a cop out to determine acceptability of behaviours based on those differences. It's like saying because men are naturally more aggressive rape is okay.

I think they have to see it as wrong in some form before they begin to understand. Most of the guys I know who are moving in the direction of change have had physical or emotional violence in their lives, or their partner's lives. Sad that awareness has seemed only come this way.

Yes, it was hyperbolic, and greatly so. And yeah, how we're conditioned is indeed different. Men are just as subject to gender based conditioning as women, with a differing response set that's often based on aggressive response.

This whole post has me laughing. Needed it.

Really. Link it, baby.

No, it's a we've been told we have to accept this as the way of the world. So do you. It's called fair and equitable application of an existing structure.

Good compromises. Anxiety bites.

Stuck there, but unable to be pinched off effectively.

How about because the ladies don't typically ogle the guys and talk about how good it'll be when they get together, having just met ten minutes before?

You made your point poorly.