
Wow. That's an accurate nick, steveignorant.

Huh. I recognize the sarcasm, but now you've got me wondering if any misguided judges have actually decided in favour of the white male in these specious kinds of cases.

I've been the token middle-aged white fag in a lot of my classes over the years. It's a hell of a lot different than token black female, I'm sure (I can take the rainbow shit off), but you can bet I'd take a seat near you just to be able to compare tales of the stupid sometime.

Special Ed is a protected class. She shoulda had him tested.


Clicks, baby. Clicks. It's got Mia in it.

Right. I'm gay, so my brother couldn't have molested me, either. Ugh. They're so not related.

Yes. I don't have to appreciate the specific piece of art to appreciate the process of using art as therapy.

Fairly sure you're simply derailing a conversation about a valentine card.

Thank you. I'm grateful to my trans acquaintances for steering my readings, and discussing my questions with me.

You are assuredly not an information dispensing robot; however, you are likely the closest expert many people have encountered. Sincere folk will want to ask you questions simply because you're the best resource available. Your experiences are gold, and you have the opportunity to be a fantastic teacher and

Many of those resources are right here in this thread. Your objection would have merit if those queried had called the querent out or sent them away. You're policing shit you don't need to police.

Engaging in sincere conversation is neither obnoxious nor patronizing. If the person Dio asked said LMGTFY, you'd have a point. I've been known to do just that when a cis-het friends asks about my gay experiences. Most of the time, I choose to answer.

Well put. Thank you.

It clearly states that Diosabellissima hasn't had an opportunity previously to ask these questions in a safe-for-everyone space. Given your response, this wasn't it either, and that's too bad. You're reading insincerity and manipulation where there is none.

Nope, vicious works.

In Brazil (largest number of murders) it's actually well documented.

You're being disingenuous with this. The graphic gives murder numbers over 5 years, with worldwide reporting, and explains nothing of the populations or overall trends in the areas. (In the end, it's a graphic with totals.)

Asking someone who appears to have better answers than you currently possess is seeking the answer. You appear to be criticizing someone who is actually taking the very care necessary from an ally.

The simplest answer to that is to ask. I have friends whose preferred pronoun is "they" or "them", who use "trans", "FTM", or "Camab" (which I personally find offense - MAAB is much better to my mind.)