
Apologies, then. I might've gotten too accustomed to the Canada bashing that turns up on these posts. :)

You're stubbornly and incorrectly conflating geography with country and citizenship nomenclature.

No. You say it that way. Most Canadians say "the US", because we recognize you're only one part of it.

Only in the US. Canadians generally recognize they're part of America - we just didn't arrogantly co-opt the nomenclature.

Seriously, you think "A lot of men (some women, too) don't feel the need to respect or even like the people they fuck" represents a healthy relationship, sexual or otherwise?

Wow. Just, wow. I'm with you on the "not friends anymore." He didn't exhibit the capacity for sensitivity here - if he has any at all, he should have twigged when you asked the question.

I had an FM transmitter for my iPod in my last car. Worked like a charm. It was probably the best part of the car, actually. Still have the adapter for when I borrow a friend's Miata. Similar stuff to what I bought is linked. Have fun!

If you don't tell them that, who will?

I confess, my first thought was, "Come on... nobody is THAT disconnected these days! Where's the one with the guy gagged and bug-eyed?" Then it would just be a pair of equally tasteless jokes.

Indeed. The response to this post reinforced that admirably.

There are a couple of exceptions who've beaten me - figuratively only of course - for asking sincere questions on some topics, and one who seems to believe no men should exist at all, but yeah, most of the commentariat are fab.

It's too late to edit this comment again, so I'll add on this way.

That LOL seems to indicate a truly mean spirit in this instance. It's both surprising and disappointing.

I'm so glad the first comments I read echoed my thoughts on reading the article.

That was beautiful. Thank you.

I felt so wrong for having that first thought. Thank you.

I've experienced it from both men and women over the years. The biggest difference I've noted is that if it doesn't work at level 1 or 2, the women who've tried it stop. The men, on the other hand, kept amping up until they were breathing fire. (Call it level five.) I don't know if my experiences hold for anyone else,

The existence of males is not an affront to feminism's goals, regardless of how you may wish to couch it. It is the existence of males unwilling to recognize or share those goals. You've been provided with careful missives in this thread and roundly denounced them. The problem isn't with the other writers who've held

No, people who are willing to discuss all aspects of an article and contribute to my growth and knowledge regarding equality and how it's represented in media and society in general are of interest to me. People who dismiss those discussions as unworthy are disruptive to that interest.