
Perhaps it's time for you to exhibit the goals of feminism in your comments.

Wow. On what planet did this clerk get training that says it's fine to comment on someone's custody paperwork? Sheesh.

I vote unhappy person, if you're taking a poll.

Not the point of the study, and not an effective contribution to the incredibly interesting discussion that's been held in this thread.

"And it takes effort to rise above it every day. In the end, it's the same thing I expect of the men in my life."

Sadly, you have to convert us one at a time, and constantly remind us of the goals we're working toward. Including those (like me) who'll never have an SO of the opposite gender, because we learned the same lessons. (I sometimes hold hope that, being different, we'll be more open to learning - it just hasn't proven so

Some of those stories would be very cool to hear.

I've been reading along this thread because Ari's comments seemed thoughtful and caring, and they've managed to continue in that mode despite some less than considerate comments made in response.

Speaking as one who works to unlearn behaviours, perhaps you might continue talking instead of contributing to the mocking. I know it gets tiring, believe me; I'm still teaching my family and friends that gay isn't evil.

If the article or the study mentioned men attributing responsibility for their subconscious feelings to women, I might stretch to agreeing with you. The article simply indicts men for feeling inferior.

Revving an engine to encourage people to cross more quickly is both intentional and reckless.

I'm all for clarity in communications, regardless of the nature of the potential relationship. "No" is simple. "Fuck off and die" is only occasionally unmerited, despite the poor wounded egos that receive it.

You're correct. The article is about enlargement. The section on penile pumps is brief, concise, and summarizes their use, including describing enlargement as a side effect. It clearly states pumps are useful in ED treatment as long as the blood is maintained in the penis after using the pump. It also clearly states

The article does. I didn't say my selected quote did. The wiki discusses ED, peyronie's and the side effect.

You didn't even bother to read the section I quoted from the wiki, nor the rest of it for that matter. Instead, you jump on a criticism that isn't even the point of my comment.

How is not having a babysitter an emergency?

The restaurant owners are assholes for using a different business model than the one you'd prefer?

Sitter cancelled?

Good fucking Christ. The man's an idiot.