
Medicare assuredly needs new suppliers. The selection on this site begins at $39.00. (LINK most definitely NSFW, and NSF narrow minds.)

Nothing at all wrong with the desire to have frequent and casual sex; however, refusing one potential partner's advances doesn't merit threats and verbal abuse. As a self-professed feminist your inability to recognize this is incredible and undermines all of your claims.

"And if we would like to attempt to decrease the likelihood of physical/sexual assault, it might be interesting to think about the size and disposition of men we choose as partners, given some of these considerations."

Well, that's one way of doing it. Or, we could train men that a "no, thanks" means exactly what it

"As a past user of these sites, I can honestly say that I rarely look at what the types of relationships that people prefer. Then again, I don't solicit sex and tend to limit my messages to different topics."

I've never had a negative experience when seated next to a large person of either gender. They've each seemed quite aware of their space requirements and how small the seating spaces are. I'll sit and read, or converse if they're up for it, until I need to rise.

And I do need to rise regularly. I love window seats,

Again, I say: Pics or it didn't happen.

So, like 6.5 Billion people or so, right?

Daisy Dukes?

No, the speeder isn't evil. He just suffers from a very similar lack of judgement as the other driver.

1. I'm sure you'll see many more before this is done.

Actually, your primary note was about how this was too contrived to be realistic, then you attempted to relate it to how you speed on freeways.

Check again. The moment he saw another vehicle capable of intercepting him in any way, that speed becomes reckless.

Take a look at your choice of words in your original few comments. You don't present as someone with an opinion; instead, you present as though no other possibilities exist. Until this last post, you've acknowledged no other positions, ignoring any points raised and repeating yourself. Acknowledgement actually

And your own inability to acknowledge any other opinion as potentially valid speaks volumes. Good day to you.

I do remember it, VS. It's one of the reasons I'm as blunt as I am, yet remain careful to critique the action and comment where ever I can, instead of the person. I know perfectly well that people learn. Some even learn eloquence and style, like yourself.

Learned nothing in 24 years about stereotyping people, you have.

You're making a hell of a lot of assumptions about people who buy these cars, man. Assumptions that would offend many who read them, and inform still others with the opinion that you're a narrow-minded fool.

Up here, those offenders aren't the Prii drivers but the entry level lux-heads. You know, the kind of folk who buy a no-option 320 or C-Series, an IS250, ILX, or the like, and think they've arrived.

T.B.A.L., bitter much? When did you start feeling like your own life had been wasted and that the only way to improve it was to slag others?