
And it's a girl's fault for drinking?

Yes, you're being a pedant. If you're that drunk, you can't consent. Morally, or legally.

You seem rather a cool human. Thanks.

Thanks for the warning. I've been playing safe with the comments, even here on Jez. My abuse was a very long time ago, and shit like this can still send me if I don't have enough time to gird up for it.

I get cold angry at this shit, and start devising punishments that'll have lifelong effects. Sterilization and partial severing of nerves to hands sound good for a start. Forking their tongues is starting to sound good as well.

In my late teens I lived below a sweet Christian couple who were moved in to the building by parents as a wedding gift. As the days warmed in spring and we all opened our windows to the world, I could hear the newlyweds very clearly. From her moans, to his final "oh, God." He really did.

what kookaburracho said.

I do believe my testicles just shrank. Two sizes.

In my area, bikes are required to ride solo and occupy the right half of the traffic lane, where there's no dedicated bike lane.

Way for Kimmel to strike a nerve. The only response I would've given as a child would be to go to my room and cry. (It actually did happen for me, more than once. I stopped trick-or-treating when I realized that my brother and father would eat everything I collected while I was at school.)

Admittedly, some of these kids are adorable in their responses, not quite believing their parents, or referencing non-existent gallbladders.

Fire is too good. Too cleansing.

Were I a police chief, I'd probably hire you.

As I'm at the age where colonoscopy is imminent and I've had the initial doctor's consult (and probing) I can speak to the enema. If they used the same type, it causes incredible contractions that force the expelling of anything freshly, uh, processed and entering the colon. It's uncomfortable for some, and downright

I'm finding myself devoutly hoping that each police officer and MD involved keeps their job - as a clerk - and their entire incomes are assigned to this gent in perpetuity.

The humour is a defence mechanism for many. The behaviour of the police and doctors is reprehensible and what the gent suffered for a traffic stop is far beyond the norm is both horrific and all too plausible in this day. In order to process, there will be humour, some of it inappropriate, but fortunately most of it

Knowing Jalops, this is bound to be fodder for many jokes; however, I say let's keep it respectful on some level.

"Alcohol’s cognitive impairments enhance misperception of the woman’s friendly cues as sexual"

Seriously, "men were equally likely to notice and understand signs of non-consent"?

That was beautiful.