
Tights give you something very obvious to aim for...

I'm totally with you on #1, 2, and 4, but #3 actually happened to me once. An acquaintance (not a close friend) told me she was going to get drunk so I could have my way with her.

I've been aiming for something witty, and utterly failing.

Start us young. Young enough that respect is instilled in our very bones. Hell, make the curriculum universal, and apply it to any question of personal autonomy. (And yes, I know it would need to be in kid-speak, but still young is the place to start.) Trying to teach an adult male about consent and entitlement is

The Texas legislature adjourned in June, and it will not reconvene until 2015.

My area's been getting a lot of fog these last couple of weeks. Tonight, in some of the densest yet, traffic was moving at about 65 (or 10 over) and there's an Altima in the left lane doing about 60. Lights out.

I have his license, and video. Or have you forgotten that? Oh, and 100 odd witnesses? I don't need to beat the shit out of him, or do any more than track him. My case is already solid (if I'm not the asshat that started it...)


and handguns, and speech, and driving, and patience...

Less than 10 feet of clearance at freeway speeds isn't cutting someone off? When you know your friends are on either side and behind him? Your assumptions are asinine at best. I find it difficult to believe you're any kind of responsible rider or driver with these assertions.

And did you never notice - with your imposing power of observation, that there were riders behind the Range Rover as well as on both sides? Where exactly, was Mr. Lien supposed to slow down to? He was boxed in, and no amount of your opinion repeated will change that.

Backs to me, and I can see it from where I'm sitting in my car? Really and truly? So the only thing here to discuss are the complete and total lack of consideration on all of your parts?

Hope you don't get burned too much, but wrong assumption for me. I'd have been pissed as hell, called the cops, and tailed the guy from a distance until they arrived.

Actually, read back your own comments. You did indeed call him a loon.

Oh, fuck off.

They couldn't pull to the side of the road? Seriously?

No, he's not right to hit you with his car (yes, I have been, once) but if he insists on going through, you're the one to cede the road, since you're not using it correctly to start with. To insist he wait is ridiculously entitled.

Assuming the bump didn't appear purposeful (this one did) and the bikers aren't yelling, raving, touching my car, crowding around unneccessarily, blocking me in, or insisting I exit, you've a point.

No, that's "sorry, we'll wait the race while you clear our illegal road block."

He's a loon? Sir, your values are skewed. Since you're the ones breaking the law, wait your fucking race until it's clear.