Accompanying himself on the 10 gallon plastic pickle tub

No, 30 Rock is still awesome.
I just think some people missed a lot of jokes while they were on their phone.

That’s precisely what this article is about because it didn’t take place in a vacuum. And I’m glad you’re admitting that when you read about a white person pulling a gun on a black person, you rushed to try to find some kind of defence for them. Well done on admitting to your racism.

Are you seriously agreeing with Holmes that anyone who protests the draft should be put in prison?
Or are you just arguing that calling someone racist is a capital offence?

She takes it all as an attack on her ability to make her own choices as an adult

Good faith? You’re the one who heard a white lady was arrested for pulling a gun on a black teenager and rushed to google literally any kind of excuse for it.

An idiot dipshit would be someone who doesn’t know that Oliver Wendell Holmes made the analogy during a Supreme Court case that was overturned 50 years ago.

I hope the entertainment industry talks about Quibi the way we talk about Zume. 

“Depending on what’s being yelled it absolutely can be.”

You’re the one who already made up their mind before you even saw the video. You heard a white woman pulled a gun on a black child and decided you would google any kind of defence for why it’s always okay for white people to murder black people and make up the reason why.

You don’t seem to understand that having a legal defence is not the same thing as something being legal.
You can argue that being called a racist or walking up to someone is a threat. But that doesn’t make it so. Just like a prosecutor could argue this woman assaulted a minor and tried to flee the scene.
At no point was

And Paris Hilton level talented.

They wanted to make it very clear that they will not be hiring anyone who knows what they’re doing. And, boy howdy, does it show!

What. The. Fuck? Did you actually bother to read that thing you keep posting? Or do you think a link is some kind of “I win” button that, if you keep pressing it enough, will make your argument less stupid?

Already read it, as you’ve posted it a billion times like it matters here.

She probably misses the days when she could just threaten to kill from behind a white mask in order to stop them from voting.

That quote is from a speech about how the US needs to send money to far-right dictators in order to suppress socialism in Latin America.

“Your honor, I had to point a loaded gun at this teenager and threaten to murder her!”
“She called me a racist.”
“Case dismissed!” 

Yelling at someone is not a crime.
Pulling a gun on someone for yelling at you is.

Being yelled at is not “immediate bodily harm”.