Accompanying himself on the 10 gallon plastic pickle tub

Being yelled at is not a reason to commit a felony.

No one is being sued. They are being arrested. For committing a felony. Being yelled at and having your car blocked aren’t justifications for a felony. They’re motive.

Let me repeat back what you just wrote in a more concise way.

These people are of the opinion that a “criminal” isn’t someone who commits a crime, it’s a class of people.

People think that because your gun is legal, anything you do with a gun must also be legal.

Cool motive. Still assault.

The list of things Joss Whedon did wrong is:
1) Something obsessed fans made up
2) Cheating on his wife
3) Writing a script you didn’t like

I don’t know why they aren’t also charging them with false imprisonment. That’s the impetus to this whole crime.
Throw in the cops giving these guys cover for a very obvious series of crimes and lies about those crimes. It’s the definition of a criminal conspiracy.

Probably his family and people who don’t think murder should be legal.

Art shouldn’t exist because dumb people are dumb.

Dude, you very clearly do not know dick about Bobby Sands, the ‘ra or what happened during the Troubles at that time.

Sands was not a “prominent” member of the IRA at all. His election to parliament while in prison was the effort of his fellow republicans, not his own. His main accomplishment was his hunger strike, which wasn’t his idea. It was in solidarity with other prisoners.

People who never knew Bobby Sands painted his mural. That doesn’t mean his death isn’t a powerful call to action. It’s precisely that they were both just your average dude that makes them important symbols. Because they are an example of what can happen to anyone when the oppressors decide your life doesn’t matter.

If we armed the working class of all colors, even the NRA would come out in favor of gun control.

I can’t believe the people who killed that guy and tried to cover it up would just destroy property and lie about it like that..

The brazenness of it is the point. They are showing that, in the middle of unprecedented protests against police violence, they can and will be more violent just to show there’s nothing you can do about it.

Mall Cops Are Bastards

I can’t believe this woman who abuses children for a living is racist!

I accept your apology.