Albert Belle of the Ball

Kendrick Perkins! Channing Frye! Richard Jefferson! Jose Calderon! Derrick Rose! Dwyane Wade! All your favorite players from 2011 and many other players from 2009 that you actually didn’t care for all that much but fuck it LeBron’s leaving and when you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back please kill me

Milkshake duck gonna milkshake duck

I’m more interested in the way she made it sound like 3 generations of her family fought in Vietnam.

I’m not one to call some lady I’ve never met—or even heard of until now—a liar, but, umm...this:

Yeah, poor Yankees are so victimized by the media. So little coverage and hype.

They’re cheering because their team just set the MLB record for wins in a row. Normally I appreciate the deadspin snark but I thought this moment was actually pretty cool.

Cállate, pinche pendejo. Go TRIBE!! Longest streak in MLB history!!!!!!!!!! Suck on that!

I’m not normally one to shit on other people’s comments, but this stopped being funny after the first 2 or 3 times it was posted recently. I don’t mind of you want to rub Cleveland’s face in it for being Cleveland, but please make an effort to be creative or original when you do it.


With their two of their three best starting pitchers out and their best hitter at the time out. yea, good for you

Quick, someone post the 2nd attempt! Maybe someone will mention that our river was on fire that one time.

he should be naked by now

Story checks out, that is a radio face.

What a complete and unexpected surprise. I for one am shocked that serial drug cheat and drug abuser Jon Jones has yet again tested positive for drugs. I thought for sure that this time, serial drug cheat and drug abuser Jon Jones had finally realized that he could be literally rolling in money like Scrooge McDuck if

This is incorrect. The tackle was clean. The defender is playing football here, man.

Well, he can’t go high, where’s he supposed to hit him?

But you guys win so many games!

You seem pretty high too.

Ashley makes it look so easy. Then again, when it comes to always finding a Trump tweet that 100% contradicts a present-day Trump tweet, maybe it really is easy.

I was gonna reply “nobody did that” but Marchman handled it better.