nicole dive bar

the soundtrack, though. there is magic there! look at me with all the incredulity you want random basketball player gif I will fight you it will be a cult classic in 10 years, maybe, probably, I bet.

I snapped in a dramatic way (at my boss who very much deserved it, not a customer, after trying to talk to her a few times privately) left in the middle of my shift, went home and made a cake. IT FELT SO GOOD

Now playing

No she’s not too old! She’s like 25? How old was Fairuza? That is the best idea, plus she has chops does not have to be a comedy. Audition tape^

I see what you did now with the jokes. That’s cool how I am dense and SO EXCITED that I know basic grammar. I cannot correct myself. I will swallow more screwdriver, I will decide what to watch. I am kinda glad I can hide here in the bosom of the grays hahaha

Yup to the italics (for movies, books, plays, magazines, epic poems and longer pieces in general) no to the Boneses. A good rule is, if it ends in s, add an apostrophe (Bones becomes Bones’)

ngl I got excited when I first saw the retro minimalist packaging. good thing I like the pills too

I’d be interested to hear his comments definitely..

It looks like my birth control?

the Dixie Chicks especially still aren’t getting the respect they deserve, Fly and Home are perfect albums.

where. I have 2 more days left of my week off help me. I have never seen it either actually

before I go to sleep like margaret

I don’t caaare. I hate Whole Foods. There is one 3-4 blocks from my house and I still take the bus to Safeway to save $$. I literally banned myself from Whole Foods. Yeah, I wanna shop like a fancy rich person, but a fancy rich person I am not. I could care less about organic food I am poor as shit. This is a

As soon as I heard that track I thought of what a big budget video it could be, was kinda surprised it wasn’t released sooner especially since she can capitalize off all the Katie Perry bickering blah blah blah

Good luck! Take care of yourself :)

Have you considered applying for jobs that aren’t necessarily in your chosen field but where you could make some money and meet some new people? For instance, a retail job at a store that sells products you use/enjoy?

I am in the middle of a week off it is fun :) I have been writing music and staying in bed and making drinks with gin. My hair was pale whitish blue and then I tried to dye it rose gold and now it is ashy pink? whatever my bathroom is kind of a hair dye emporium I will figure it out. I just want my hair to be a

This makes me mad he seems like a nasty unprofessional creep who is bad at his job. Definitely explain to your roommate. Also you shouldn’t feel bad for being upset about this, he can’t help but notice that he’s making you feel uncomfortable. Even if his ‘teasing’ or whatever isn’t ill intentioned he should have

I kind of love Mandy Moore? I may be the only person alive, but yeah... even A Walk to Remember, if only cause I’m a costume design nerd and it was a perfect moment of nineties minimalism/pretty gramma sweaters. Also she was supposed to be on Ryan Adams’ new album! They were supposed to make sweet sweet music. They

Olivia, however, I could get behind. Now that’s sassy.

Noah and Emma are the lamest Nicholas Sparks names I have ever heard of.