nicole dive bar

I understand that this is likely supposed to be targeting a teenage demographic but I am not too far off from that and frankly it made me cringe. I am just so sick of people not taking me seriously when I bring up issues regarding sexism, the wage gap, etc- all too often I get the smirk from dudes, the “wow you take

I watched it this Christmas too! but also just whenever I need to look at young Bill Pullman and feel the romances.

so many movies to remind me of our bond. my favorites being the ones from the nineties (while you were sleeping, hope floats)

bookmarked that page!

That is all

CGM is in an ad campaign for Coach right now so I’m wondering if she had to wear them as part of her contract? But they could have put her in something better definitely. I would not have stood for that nastiness

Ha! I am high actually! But not high enough that I want t watch this commercial. High enough that I ate a lot of pasta

Can we make this a reality? I need to be in Ohio clearly. How ignorant are these women? Are we really going to make fourteen year olds raise children? Or young women raped by their fathers? Women impregnated by rape, period? Women who just aren’t ready, for reasons that are nobody’s goddamn business? I hate that I am

That she convinced herself that having a huge amount of doubt and then putting up with it was what it meant to be in a relationship. (Also, who can can divulge the perfect doubt-to-no-doubt ratio that equals happiness? Nobody.

I see what you mean, rereading what I wrote... I just am feeling guilty for liking this other guy, and guilty that I attempted to act on it. I didn’t mean to say I was gross physically or personality wise, just meant it regarding the context of the previous part of the sentence- basically, he is clean and I leave

Thanks :) Maybe a little silly though. It isn’t so bad, maybe I just need to start reading VC Andrews instead of trying to create new romances in reality

I have a boyfriend I have lived with for two years and he is mythical and perfect. He is mythical in his perfection. He cooks for me and cleans everything and does not care that I am usually a gross slob. He comes and visits me at work and waits patiently for my lunch break and sometimes takes the bus home with me.

Aw I am so sorry to hear this :( Is it possible everything could turn up at some point in the future? Do you have something to take to calm you down in the meantime? I definitely feel your pain, it is hard going without your regular prescriptions, and it always seems to happen when you most need them

I don’t know if you should take my word for it, but I was in a similar situation where I dated a guy for two years and towards the beginning of our relationship (first month or so) really felt more platonic towards him than anything else. That tends to not change. I regretted staying with him as long as I did. That


They make a lot of nasty character judgments about people who are poor. They assume it’s their fault. They assume that there is always some combination of math and better choices that would lift these people out of deprivation if they were just, I dunno, better people.

I need to hear more about the shenanigans of young Queen Elizabeth now please when can this be a show on HBO?

Weird? Tell me how that is weird? I have seen The Majestic more than once..

Eh since Joni’s in trouble this is the wrong time to compare the two a little thoughtless nvm.. I was just thinking about how J. is so often heralded as the voice of her generation