
But Jay-Z did sell crack. He’s like, been rapping and bragging about it for over two decades.

They claimed it was low fat - but it wasn’t.

Being a “free thinker” in Kanye’s context means, “my ignorance is as valid as your knowledge”. It’s not.

Superman has the same problem that Deadpool originally had in Wolverine: Origins. The actor is right for the part, but no one else involved seems to understand what makes the character work.

I would call this a savage burn by Emma.

Meanwhile, Chance has already used his platform and his own money to help public education for children of Chicago in the last few years.

I’m a Canadian woman, I’m a geek girl, and I’ve gone on way too many ill-advised dates with a certain kind of nerdy guy. This stuff terrifies me.

Oh you’re riiiight. No woman has ever acted like an asshole because she thinks she’s hot shit, my mistake.

That’s not entitlement, it’s an inflated ego bred of lots of positive attention. Literally everyone is susceptible to that if they aren’t careful. Women included.

That’s because genetic evolution works by duplicating and then slightly modifying previously evolved gene functions. Living things represent layers upon layers of evolutionary development.

More than formulas we resemble russian dolls. You pick one layer apart and there is another one below it.

Molecular biology - 1st rule: Things get complicated quickly

This is how you chip away at toxic masculinity.

It hasn’t even been good for a decade since season 10.

Apropos of nothing, this makes me look forward to Ken Burns’ next inevitable documentary series, “The Fuck You, I Got Mine Generation: Baby Boomers.”

It’s a very common complaint. I used to watch it because it would have an interesting moment or two interspersed with lazy shit plots. But all I can remember about the show lately is their couch gags, which are getting longer and weirder all the time.

I mostly agree. Seasons 11 and 12 are where the real quality decline becomes most notable, but they remain watchable. Everything from 13 onward though is just depressing.