
Some nuggets just won’t flush. They just keep floating there, as you stare in disbelief.


LOL this is the hill you wanna die on? Woody Allen?

The Leafs are good, the Raptors are good, the Argos are defending almost seems like things here are too good to be true and nothing can...

Nah, they should keep it up. Leaving Edmonton is the only time where being sent to New Jersey qualifies as a legitimate upgrade.

I fucking love this man.

My mid-2011 is still running well, but is reaching “end of life” in Apple’s eyes, so while I’m in the market to replace it, I’ll definitely wait until the latest is out. Single best, most reliable laptop I’ve ever had.

Thoughts and prayers

This can’t be right. How could Trump be out-smarted? He has the best brain. He has the best words. He is a genius, a stable genius. And he passed that very hard cognitive abilities test with the best score over recorded.

A bit of an element of different times too though. Clearly both are trying to blaze a path towards superstardom, and both have been successful at doing so. But in the 80s and early 90s, movie reviews and word of mouth still played a role in a movie’s performance, since films made their box office over weeks and

I absolutely loved it. I saw it in the theater 4 times. I cried the first two times I saw it. It’s a visual treat aside from the music which is really spectacular. There is a definite camp element to it (they are all playing performers or artists so being a bit camp is built into the fabric).

Yeah but clearly one glass of lemon water a day is going to realign my body’s ph with the stars so I can boost my metabolism, stave off all disease you would otherwise need to inject evil chemicals called vaccines, while also giving me the gift of being unbearable to talk to because I constantly spout nonsense.

I wonder if the book tackles my personal favorite little never-elaborated-on-nugget:

My 7 year old niece has devised a chart where she puts stickers on squares that are numbered. The numbers correspond to a list of misogynistic hot phrases she hears at school, on TV, from my mother, etc. When her chart is full she hands it to the closest adult and demands $20 for Space Camp.

It is striking to me that our chief idiot is using the same argument as Pill Cosby’s defenders.

Darker, Gayer, Different.

I foresee Gattica.

Also as someone who does work in this area, I agree. This study is amazing, particularly the number of samples that they were able to analyze. It’s going to inform studies of the neuropathology of these disorders for decades.

That said, it does have some areas that are important gaps. (Just off the top of my head

All anyone needs to know about Fox News.

At launch and a few years after, the Air represented everything great about Apple, and now it represents everything bad about Apple.