
I’m not entirely sure that the neon skull isn’t just a grotesque parody of itself.

“I passed all of the lie detector tests.”

I love it when responsible gun owners act responsibly.

It’s amazing that you just made a jab about a failed “gun control narrative”, when you failed to even acknowledge the two victims of the Blaine Gaskill interrupted shooting in your comment.

Everyone rolls their eyes when I say this, but IMO, marketing should become a profession (similar to medicine or law), and should involve ethical training, the swearing of an ethical oath, and accreditation by a self-governing professional body. I’m not saying people like Alexander Nix would disappear completely, but

Tell me: does the Internet Research Agency pay well?

I think Alexander Nix and Steve Bannon might disagree with you.

The hype surrounding Magic Leap is nutty, but the talent they’ve attracted is just as attention-worthy as the $.

I always thought Walter White was the villain in Breaking Bad? I mean, it’s literally the title of the show.

I worked for a lab that studied protein recycling in neurons, and I for one am not at all surprised they both make and recycle more proteins than muscle cells. Every synapse (there are thousands per neuron) is continually growing or receding based on its pattern of use, and that never-ending process involves hundreds

Let the insurance nightmares begin!

I got an 11" Air with maxed-out specs in fall of 2012, and I have used this thing for at least 6 hours per day on average since I got it (mostly for word processing, but also some image processing, and a whole lot of Chromecast streaming), and it still runs perfectly.

Mueller has yet to reveal his hand, so maybe we just need to wait a little longer....?

Does this mean Russia has now won the cold war? Is that even still a thing?

When I was 15 I worked at a Grocery store. I worked the night shift, played shitty skate punk on the store radio, antagonized my (objectively) shitty boss, stole a thing here and there. In other words, I was a rotten kid, a terrible employee, and I deserved to get fired. And I did. Now that I’m 33, I look back at that

For context, let us all bask in the infinite wisdom of Shaun White, who has fixed his soul to his snowboard.

As a counterpoint, I bought my 11" Air (with maxed out specs) in September 2012, the very month they came out with the second generation, and have spent the last 5.5 years feeling like I made the best possible decision.

You must have so much fun at dinner parties....

Now playing

I always thought Poochie was just a riff on Rude Dog and the Dweebs, which was part of the 90s Saturday morning cartoon line-up:

The data presented in this paper genetically fingerprints the five major classes of mental illness, and does so quantitatively. Coming from someone who does this sort of work for a living, this is a massively important paper that will almost certainly kickstart many game-changing conversations.