
I stopped watching at 3:12 in the above video, where he says: “the two front doors are an issue, i don’t know why, but they are.”

All filmmakers deal in imagery, and will definitely inject their own fingerprints on the source material they are working with.

The trailer seems to feature the same underwater base, same testing set-up with a tranqed up shark, same dim half-submerged hallways...

Early twenties, and we were given er’, and eventually my pal developed the need to boot. Trouble was: we had just ordered another round, and he didn’t want to leave the bar, so his solution was to tuck his shirt in, pull his collar out, and let er’ rip.

There is nothing conventional about “influencers” or the gimcrack PR schemes that constitute their “careers”.

500 tricky-dick fun-bucks is a wet fart of a gesture when compared to a sizeable and permanent pay increase. If I were employed by any of the companies mentioned in this article I’d be pissed off, not happy. Sorry if that contradiction makes your neck hurt, but there it is.

Nope, but you should blame Globalism, which has a long way to go before offshore tax avoidance is properly dealt with and/or avoided (if that is even possible...).

An “authentic and retrospective personal album by a Disney pop star” engenders the same bullshit vibes as an “Ad spot by corporate-funded punk band”, or a“Viral hit by an emerging middle-class suburban rap star”.

lol! Hate to break it to you friend, but I can apply whatever word I want, whichever way I want to.

Found under the OED entry for “murder”:

I didn’t realize there could be an IMPOSSIBILITY in the realm of fiction, where anything is possible, so long as somebody INVENTED it...

Do you live your life wearing a motorcycle helmet?

This is nothing new. It’s been that way since Elvis copped from Bo Diddley...

With Trump, it is both, and that’s the worst option.

I’m sure they each serve a purpose, but having two identical phones right next to each other on his desk must drive Trump bat-shit crazy. There’s no way he doesn’t routinely mix them up.

Not sure if you noticed, but current day America is more of an Oligarchy than Democracy. Look it up.

For dyed in the wool rebublicans, not a chance in hell. Willed ignorance runs too deep in those ones.

Isn’t this just blackmail (or racketeering)?

Similar to art, it’s a wonderful investment for the already-wealthy because it barely (if at all) gets taxed.