
You glanced on the answer in your first comment. The risks to the natural world associated with bioengineering would be exponentially lower if synthetic biologists used microbes genetically encoded with XNA, because these by definition could not trade genetic information with naturally occurring microbes, and

I’m not gonna deny that oil interests are central to this story, but I feel like Trump is also going ahead because it undoes yet another of Obama’s accomplishments.

With his mouth and eyes closed (like in the preview image from the embedded video in the article), Mitch McConnell looks exactly like an inverted nutsack wearing glasses.

I for one would love to have seen Del Toro’s original vision for The Hobbit, without all the extra stuff from the wider Tolkien mythology, or any reference to the LOTR movie aesthetics.

I’ll get excited when they start making submarine cars again.

From WAPO’s piece on Trump’s recent visit with Putin:

The development of LOTR was something like ten years (they filmed all three simultaneously), and they started from a finished and extremely polished script that was written by relatively unknown but lovingly devoted people. Starting with a coherent vision gave them time to focus on logistics while filming. If you

I can’t help but think of this story, and how Trump will now and forever be considered a hero to all the plutocrat billionaires who now get to hoard their wealth in plain sight.

Don’t kid yourself, he’s affiliated with Rebel News — the Canadian version of Breitbart — and is trying to whip up anti-Muslim sentiments in Canada as well.

At the very least, GIVE UP KUSHNER!! If impeachment fails, then I at least want the Trump family to implode.

David Foster Wallace wrote about his time on set with David Lynch in 1996, and ended up making a very convincing argument for why cinema needs “heroic auteurs”, filmmakers who are given free reign to carry out their idiosyncratic visions without any outside influence, even if it means taking a risk.

I was thinking the same thing. Apparently i09 does too. Still not sure I will ever see it.

If he ever sought help for it (which is extremely unlikely), he would likely be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which has a really well defined list of attributes, and seems to emerge in early adulthood, but whose root cause is still largely unknown.

Unfortunately, it’s also revolutionary to non-corrupt governments, which means it is just another tax haven. And even if there aren’t any laws against buying bitcoin, IMO it’s still borderline treasonous to invest in it, the same way that it’s borderline treasonous to hide your wealth in tax havens.

The “It’s Pat” of laser guns posts.

Lol! All I said is that it’s plausible that a giant company like Pixar has more than one founder, which, as you pointed out, is true.

Read the thread. Your first response should have been that Pixar has three founders, not one, and that everybody is wrong.

So the NYT could not name “the” founder because there are three.

Naming “the” founder of a gigantic company like Pixar is hard. It’s not something that can readily be sourced, because there are usually competing claims. Although I have no idea about Pixar’s history, I for one would not be surprised if more than one person claimed to be its “founder”.

Sylvia Hoeks (the ‘Luv’ character in the movie) does such a good job as the villain, I don’t see why they even needed Jared Leto in the film.