
You still can and should listen to CC material that was produced by Alice. Knowing that she went through hell while producing it shouldn’t stop you from enjoying it. I’m pretty sure she’s even said the same thing.

The showrunners chose to tell Max’s story by telling her brother’s story, which is BS. All of it built up to the big reveal that the patriarch of the family is a disgruntled piece of shit, without being given any reason as to why.

A Haitian friend told me a story about a few Halloweens ago, when he saw a college kid in blackface wearing a suit and afro wig. He was super offended and called the kid out, and had this young man explain, in detail, and without a hint of sarcasm, that he was dressed that way because him and his pals were going to a

Billy’s addition to the show seemed like an odd choice. He’s got a menacing vibe, especially toward his sister, he eventually gets in a fight with Steve, and then we find out that his bitter persona emerged from his troubled relationship with his father, who is farcically abusive. Also, I shudder to think of how that

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Wait, if he’s being charged with:


Don’t kid yourself. All the big oil companies are doing shit like this.

I’m guessing the Twitter code of ethics would allow for coherent arguments about immigration.

Now playing

The shower scene from the original It miniseries.

It’s worth pointing out that the James Bond franchise is a 50s relic that is very much a cult of masculinity, and an earnest adaption would be extremely fraught, if only because it would have to be sexist (toward men, maybe?).

A privately held company paying people to enforce a code of ethics whose intended goal is to suppress racism, sexism, or Russian propaganda is not censorship. I like to think it’s good business, because I like to believe that the majority of social media users are not going to use a platform that tolerates lies and

Seems like there is a real job creation opportunity here, but then again, why pay humans to do something right when you can design an algorithm that kindof does the same thing? I mean, it’s not like the absence of moderation has caused any problems these past couple of years, has it?

I feel like this will be the ultimate take away from the cluster-fuck 2016 election.

Just as depressing as it is true.

As far as I can tell, there’s no need for anyone to do anything to help the collapse. The only thing the Trump administration does well is tearing themselves apart.

Shitty, because Ghana is usually one of the most entertaining teams in the World Cup. Their game against the USMNT was among the most entertaining games in 2014. Sux that a BS ref has denied me the pleasure of seeing them in the next one.

The pro-business faction (Bannon, Scaramucci, Mnunchin) have no problem using Conservative and/or Racist ideas to push their agenda,which is tax cuts for the rich, whereas the old guard republicans (Priebus, Spicer, Kelly) see themselves as the last defenders of their precious ideology. The rest are either literal

No idea who Fantano is, but after reading the AV Club article and the Fader article, it seems like the main complaint is that he is trying to pander to Alt-Right idiots in order to make $, which is a BAD thing because it serves to popularize Alt-Right ideology. It doesn’t matter if his intention was satire or not, he