
No sarcasm. Just very little patience for gun rights bullshit right now, especially for people who say “this isn’t time for politics” within their overtly political comments.

...Says the asshole who just brought up gun control.

Seems like overkill.

LOL. So you ARE a baby boomer. Keep on truckin’ friend!

YES. Except I’m guessing you won’t, because then you couldn’t claim that it killed a bunch of people, and would instead have to admit that every murderous autocrat who professed a devotion to communism was actually betraying Marx.

Dude, common. You just provided a list of authoritarian regimes that killed political dissenters. What the hell does that have to do with the economic doctrine of communism?

It is people like you, my friend, who are the problem so glibly referred to at the end of the article.

I was a greasy teen in the 1990s, and bore witness to the emergence of the Simpsons. I have ZERO memory of anyone ever complaining that Simpsons fans were just too much. Most of the time, my friends and I were too busy parroting the show’s best lines, which often just referenced 1970s pop culture (a particularly

You left out the best part, which is the granular details of Nenshi’s plan, which, unless I’m mistaken, is a tripartite scheme where the public, the government, and the owners each pay a third, with the added caveats that the owners get all operational profits from the new building, but have to pay significant

I saw Del Toro do a one hour Q & A at Fantasia Fest in Montreal just over a year ago, and I must say, he came off as an extremely smart and extremely cool human who is deeply passionate about film. Obviously I don’t know him, and can’t speak to his actual personality, but I quite enjoyed listening to him talk shop for

Very good to know. Might have to make the switch when the time comes. Thanks!!

I know a backhanded compliment when I see one.

Can you run a similar article about how to switch to a Linux machine that runs open source alternatives?

What’s with all this forced outrage over the fact that Gizmodo media group writers are allowed to share their opinions?

Dude, common, you’re from Canada. Have you never met an Albertan?? They love hockey jest as much as Texans love football. Also, Calgary is a huge, rich city that would have zero issues filling the seats of a new arena.

.... “alt-right children’s book.”

At the very least, why not put a little plaque next to these statues which provide famous quotes from all these shitheels.

I don’t think its stupid to respectfully acknowledge somebody’s right to their own thoughts about the cosmos.