
The Martian... Good, great even, but laughably out of place on a list alongside 2001: A Space Odyssey and Blade Runner.

I mean, if you’re gonna double down on Ridley Scott, at least pick Alien!

Given that solitary confinement is essentially torture... maybe not solitary confinement?

As far as I can tell, right-wing Libertarianism is just Objectivism overlaid with a rigid ethical framework (itself arbitrary), which makes it more of a philosophy than a fully formed political ideology.

I am a dirt microbiologist! Not a doctor mind you, but getting there. Thanks for yet another great read!

I’m a microbiologist, and I’ve never seen it spelled as two separate words.

I know that almost nobody wants to hear an allusion to 100-year old German literature, but I would say that Trump is Mynheer Peeperkorn from Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain. He’s incoherent, loud, and thoroughly shitty, but everyone is weirdly drawn to him. I think he’s supposed to represent the cult of personality,

Best show on TV. Pure fun.

Your mind must be real limber, given all the stretching it’s been doing...

To the best of my knowledge, Snyder only wrote one of the movies he’s so far directed (Sucker Punch), and it is — by a wide margin — the single worst movie I’ve ever seen.

*fart noise*

Many people been working on that for a while now, although it’s usually framed as draught-resistance.

Fun fact: Steven Seagal wrote and helped perform the end credits song to his 1995 movie Under Siege 2: Dark Territory, which is about a terrorist attack on a train.

No one is doubting Ronaldo’s talent. It’s just that he also happens to be soccer’s biggest asshole, philanthropy non-withstanding of course.

I went to an anarchist book fair once, and nobody there seemed very pro-business, especially with respect to fashion.

Woah buddy. No one is confused about the Trump ascendancy. He shilled his populist rhetoric, jumped out in front of his critics by pigeonholing them, and ran within a stunningly incompetent and/or unlikeable field of candidates. Of course he came out on top.

Anyone who funds a museum devoted to themselves in their hometown, featuring a bronze statue with an overstuffed crotch, is basally nothing more than a piece of shit.

I feel like Beyoncé had a rather large role to play in eliciting the so-called drama, given that it was her choice to pepper her album’s lyrics with allusions to the experience of being cheated on...

Anyone who is finding it hard to care about this catastrophe is advised to watch David Attenborough’s new Great Barrier Reef documentary.