
This pretty much sums it up:

Like something out of a Murakami novel

...a blog that should be nonpartisan.

So much time spent on tennis courts and freshly paved parking lots....

Agreed. Consciousness without a body would not be nothing like our own. It might be like human consciousness, but we would have to find another word for it.

Body and mind are complementary to one another. Without either, you cease to exist.

Very thought-provoking piece.

“I genuinely thought makeup was safe, but that’s not the case.”

What the FUCK is university even good for these days??

“Yeah, you better give me the insurance, because I am gonna beat the hell outta this thing.”

So who is the Kim Kardashian of politics that Trump reminds her of?

Who are the bigger idiots, the people who buy this thing and end up getting hit by a car because they’re distracted, or the people in Garmin’s corporate echelon who thought this gadget would be profitable?

There is one aspect of your article that I can’t for the life of me figure out, although I suspect that’s just cause I’m me and not you. That aspect is:

Yeah, those damn bourgeois hipsters, shelling out all that hipster money, and for what?? For something they appreciate, and talk about, and write about? They’re so dumb, selfishly wanting to cultivate decent living standards for bean growers in developing countries, or to belong to a community of producers who

It’s not continuous, as evidenced by the wave rolling over the camera man 3/4 of the way through the vid.

Required reading for anyone who’s curious about the roots of silicon valley culture. I believe the word “kludge” was popularized by this book...

So... we now have a Charley Harper 2.0...?

This movie is going to super suck, but no one will notice because of the $ it’s gonna make, and because Zack Snyder is juuuuust proficient enough not to completely fuck it up.

I’m an aspiring writer with a few stories/essays, as well as half a novel under my belt, and I’ve never asked myself who I’m writing for. Now that I AM asking, the only answer I can come up with is: humans.

Was 100% on this kid’s side until this.