Nick Slaughter

The issue with satire is that the wrong people don’t get that it’s a joke. Only the people who would have agreed in the first place receive the message. The ones who might learn a lesson from satire see it as normal. This further reinforces the problem being satirized. Satire can be funny, but is self-defeating. A

Yeah, that’s a myth people tell themselves to believe in the noble people voting for Republicans because the Democrats just didn’t do enough for them.

I am fed up with the poor white people that Michael Moore and Bernie Sanders relentlessly chased. To see John Stewart also drink this Kool-Aid is maddening. They coddle these willfully ignorant people instead of calling them out for always voting against their own interests.

I am a boring-ass East Coast liberal. Politically, I am indistinguishable from someone’s aunt upstate who’s an amateur beekeeper and still has a John Kerry bumper sticker on her minivan. But even I find this movie embarrassing.

But he’s beat up by a black cop who is mad that he is wearing blackface. I think the point of the sketch was just to make fun of libertarians, really. 

this movie never resonated with me at all.  i hate it.  the message seems to be “some people are just better than others, and they deserve special privileges and the laws shouldn’t apply to them”.

This reminds me of the student center basement at the University of Delaware in the early 90's.  What a happier, simpler time.

TV before The Wire was 99% crap, there was nothing to ruin. All good TV came out after it

Hannah doesn’t need a Brazilian,  she needs all of South America

Daryl Hannah’s butt is literally the ONLY thing that I remember about Splash. It awoke me from my oblivious childhood slumber at precisely the right time.

Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%

I have no issues with Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard owning a building and I think they’re being really good landlords by not charging rent for April. It’s decent and I wish my apartment complex would do the same.

Look, I know it was stupid and tone-deaf, but I think the intention was good at least. I know we’re all upset and stressed but this is blowing things out of proportion. People directing their rage at Gadot and her famous friends should aim their hatred at the world leaders who spent years of the neglect and stupidity

Agreed. Kang couldn’t stand Buttigieg in the debates— he struck me as a sanctimonious, overly rehearsed and smug— or his message, which seemed to be: ‘We need to bring the country together--to recognize electability is the only important thing about a presidential candidate, and wouldn’t you just know it, no one on

“Shadow Republican” Jesus.

of COCK?

I believe you’re missing our issues with the tone. Randall’s skewering is purely politically motivated, and has nothing to do with pretenses of celebrity.

Mayor Pete- simultaneously boring, inexperienced, incompetent, and a secret Republican CIA plant undermining truth, justice, and the American way single-handedly. Apparently.

If Jacobin and The Root had a stupid baby, it would be this.

This article was brought to you by the campaign to elect Bernie Sanders.