Nick Slaughter

audible explosions in space still annoy me (one of the reasons I loved The Last Jedi’s “Holdo maneuver” scene)

you’re not allowed to comment on your own dunks as “taking someone to school”, the point is for an outside observer to call it out for you

social security sort of takes care of that right now, and Democrats are the only ones who want to expand and empower it

Clinton was at a last minute memorial for the Pulse nightclub shooting victims, which is why she couldn’t go to Wisconsin and sent Bernie as a surrogate there instead

i’m guessing the author thinks rust belt blue collar white folk are all craving socialism and medicare 4 all and not racist at all unless they go bankrupt

no but it may still be better for the interests of other marginalized and vulnerable groups, if you actually care about them

let’s be honest, it was before Trump made “ironic racism” uncool cause he’s an actual white nationalist and also the president

George Floyd has almost been forgotten cause a bunch of antsy white leftists co-opted the BLM protests and tried making it Occupy Part Two, and went from taking a universal message that more people were starting to warm up to and making it look like another dumb anarchist cosplay revolution. I wish that would get

remember when The Onion would make fun of everyone and not find a way to suck off Bernie Sanders in every article? It’s the same trend happening. Editors-in-chief, reign your people in!

let’s be clear, mainstream comedy has a long history of racism-related fuckery. singling out Fey and idly ignoring the rest of the industry especially during that time is misogynistic.

the oppressed masses will remember a time when they had freedom to do blackface and how taking that away led to society crumbling down, along with letting men kiss each other in churches

i’m saying, just write a foreward before the episode like HBO is doing with Gone With the Wind

it’s like hearing stadium names today if you grew up in the 80s or before

perfect summation of Brad Bird’s libertarian leanings

needs more conspiracy emojis

all the drugs in Dragnet have been digitally replaced with smartphones on social media

i would actually pay for a streaming service that only showed funnily edited versions of R rated movies, like this, Mallrats, Snakes on a Plane, Showgirls, etc.

it’s that we’ve been wearing 2 sizes too big since the 80s... real men of the 70s were allowed to let their hard nipples poke through their tight shirts, and the occasional teste drop (see John Ritter in Three’s Company)

it comes off like those children and beardos who claim to be “climate activists” and just protest Democratic women’s offices (Pelosi and Feinstein) instead of Republicans who actively deny climate change and squash and legislative attempts to deal with it like McConnell and you know, Trump.

for real, almost makes me want to cancel the author and try to get him fired, if only i didn’t have a day job or classes to go to