Nick Slaughter

Well said!

Fuck off with this bullshit.

Mike took offense to Kai calling Werner soft in trying to suck up. The other guy knows Mike killed Werner and just punched the guy ahead of him, but he still said his peace that Werner was a good man and didn’t deserve his fate. Mike respects that.

This answer isn't clever, just the equivalent of a smirking jackass etc.

From fat nerd to literal Pornhub section. This is Cinderella for gamers.

If only Trump was the face of the Watersports section

When will you give us a break tho

Has to? 

It’s also funny because rushing to judgment in these kinds of things is practically the raison d’etre of about half the G/O sites, including the now-defunct Splinter and Deadspin. 

despite the fact that it reminds voters Biden is 77 years old and not getting any younger.

This show almost seems tailor-made for triggering “It’s Heritage Not Hate!™” closeted racists, and it’s great. Also; agreed it’s the best thing on TV right now.

A hit dog will holler.

This is literally the best show on television right now. You just want to hate it because it makes you question your beliefs, troll. Do you think a guy like Alan Moore would ever shy away from discussing race in his comics? Definitely not. This is challenging, deep, and thoughtful art that is commenting on difficult

I want to go to there.

The Superman actors are a wonderful coincidence, but Bass Reeves was an actual person.  

Grohl is Gen X

The opening sequence was so good. I loved the depiction of the monster’s dying psychic scream and its aftermath, evocative of the corpse-piled MSG from the book. Also, loved all the single-eye imagery leading up to the actual depiction of Adrian’s beast: the camera close-up of Wade’s eye, the knot top girl’s eye

This episode had nothing to do with Semenya there have been a number of trans women entering sports lately Fallon Fox is the more likely inspiration for the Randy Savage character after she broke another woman’s skull in a fight last year..

She’s not trans! She wasn’t a man at some point like this character! You can’t just badly shoe horn Caster Semrnya in there just so you get to accuse Parker and Stone of racism!

Why the hell is the writer saying that the ‘Randy Savage’ look a like is representing Caster Semenya? That’s insane. She’s never identified as male the way the Randy Savage look a like did, and most certainly does not look like Randy Savage. This is clearly an incredibly ham fisted attempt to add racism to the crimes