Nick Slaughter

when will people in the media have the guts to admit B*rnie is ruining things as much as Tr*mp is, just with slightly less malicious intent? Both Onion and AVC are ruined by “The Brothers” and their stick-up-the-ass “not afraid to take on any subject -EXCEPT BERNIE CAUSE WE LOVE HIM AND A BIRD LANDED ON HIS LECTERNN”

Some of the lower-quality meth that Gus used to replace what Werner stole has gotten out to the street...

AND he pees sitting down

yeah it’s so weird how many people are put off by a show that features white supremacists as antagonists. They didn’t seem to mind Oz and Breaking Bad, among other shows, so perhaps something that recently happened caused them to change their minds about it. Wonder what that could be?

hmm maybe D&D should have been able to make their trilogy then... nah

jfc BernieBro trash will keep repeating this to make themselves feel better about being losers who can’t hold jobs

I thought Lindelof said they only planned for and wrote for one season, and if they were to be asked to do a second one, it would probably not air for a few years while they figure out what to write for it.

it felt meta when Trieu said the pills were “passive-aggressive exposition”

whoa got a cite for that? this is the first time i’ve heard that.

the theater i watched it in burst into laughter when the COhen started playing, so i would say 100% of us were the 80%

NYT did a recent profile on Murphy and he admits it’s hard watching himself in Raw now that he’s older, and he’s denounced those old homophobic bits before apparently (that was news to me too)

They could mirror their performance on me in high school when I first saw a Hootie and the Blowfish video, after repeated listenings in other people’s cars.

i wanna dub over riot scenes with lines like “don’t you think there should be a shared risk pool for people with pre-existing conditio--*SCREEECH* *GUNFIRE*”

he does get asked that at one point and say he thinks Trump has a better chance of re-election than we all think, mostly cause of how the left gets worked up about the wrong things a lot. i tended to agree with his assessment.

i only write violent revenge fantasies about the people who say “no” when i politely ask them to put the phone away

that double-bladed lightsaber is some Rob Liefeld Shatterstar shit

fewer old bigots maybe, but their grandchildren are doing just fine inheriting the family business/rolodex

What better time than now for Eddie to return the favor and call David Spade a hasbeen on national tv?

fwiw whenever i come across an 8-syllable phrase or sentence, i can’t help but to sing it in my head in the tune of the “Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson / You’re all fakes, run to your mansions” part

you just pulled me over to Team Marianne by evoking the Lost finale (oh and i drop hella acid)