Nick Slaughter

the CIA don't be hiring no frogs, is what

^ the mindset that funneled millions of box office dollars towards Cannon Films in the 80s.

"It's Bastille Day, and neither of us have dates… good thing we're lifelong platonic friends!"

the Kettlemans could easily be the Palins

why do so many embedded players still not have a volume control? so fucking annoying

Who's the Boss? will be back in a moment… stick around!

hanging out with Lint in this episode

Yeah, I feel like Fringe learned its lesson from XF and linked up it's season-long storylines into their MOTW episodes in a better way.

there were some good Mulder lines, which was always a constant in the show, even in the mediocre episodes

so that was Tim Armstrong of Rancid as the street artist/creator of the monster

I thought she was Asia Carrerra

i just wanna see what happens to the cartels if all the states that border Mexico went full legal. They'd stop giving a shit about the poop they smuggle up.

When I lived in Hawaii, the only drawback for me was the lack of California-quality weed. I wish I could go back.

i think he's at his best when bringing up contrasts with Africa and the U.S. Like earlier this week when he was making fun of Groundhog Day and what African tribes would say to us if they heard we got weather reports from an animal.

That's ignorant!

dude, X-Files popularized FEMA conspiracies back in the first film "Fight the Future"

I still want to see Dick Wolf's take on this

maybe in the 90s, but now it's good old Donnie T-Rump. i blame Disqus Culture.

this sounds like a good setup to a "Three Days of the Condor" situation

interesting, i noticed Melanie Hutsle (also from that era) was in With Bob and David.