Nick Slaughter

Sounds like this Chapo guy really went from Mr. Chips to Scarface.

This new season reminds me of the last season of Lost.

Bernie Sanders' healthcare policy is a Single Payer One

no but assuming this is a racial joke kinda is

you can't steal something that's just lying on the ground unclaimed

Noob Sailboat.

This will only work if the reuses the actors (still in costume) from The Disaster Artist.

I used to like shitting into empty jars for fun and once i talked my friend into doing it and his log was so huge it wouldn't fit down the mouth of the jar. It was also really yellowy.

It was called "The Interview" and it came out last year.

He had the good sense to only go partial retard in The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

If these ladies can't fulfill the "too hot to handle, too cold to hold" standard, I don't think any cast can.

"Tek" wars, even.

Just don't use it to end a sentence, only use it in the front of a sentence is what I'm sayin'.

let's not forget Esperanto William Shatner films

Just the description of this sounds like something we were forced to watch in middle school during a special assembly.

"There are a half dozen within a mile of me! So why do we always have to meet at my house?" - Anthony Jeselnik

My Phantasm story isn't even my story, but I used to work with a dude who was the Tall Man's assistant (in real life, not in the movie)

Two and a Half Million, at Most

I think the best review this can possibly hope to get is "it's not that racist"