Nick Slaughter

"You have selected Regicide. If you know the name of the king or queen about to be murdered, type '1'. If your fingers are too fat to dial '1', mash the keypad and we will send you a special dialing wand.

I was referring to Trump, in case that was vague. Policy don't mean shit if you don't have a Congress and Supreme Court to back you up on it. We've seen it over and over again. It just cannot fall into the right wing's hands, and Trumps indomitable poll lead is evidence of that. He's exposing the bigots. So yeah I

They wrap their jokes inside Star Trek references.

they did reunite and tour less than 2 years ago. better than listening to Death Cab at least.

his actual political party should be called The Internet Comments Section Party

As I read this, blood just kept pumping into my penis until I got to "new host Jonah Ray" and then I started deflating, then I got to "Ernest Cline" and I just straight up chopped my dick off.

Maybe, can Havaneses talk?

Raspy Eric Roberts voice: "I'm Duffy Duffersson. I'm a talking dog!"

- Dr. Walter Bishop

I just realized Ted Danson looks like Jon Stewart now.

I would almost recommend RiffTrax first, then regular version afterwards. The RT version gives you a good rundown of what to look for, plus funnier jokes than your friends probably would have come up with. You do miss a few lines though.

yeah it's a great story (Mark) but so was Child of God and Franco cut his teeth on indie directing by butchering that one first. Hopefully my low expectations will mean I end up loving it.

cause the book was really funny, and a good look at the life of a struggling actor

probably Emma Stone again too

and he's also banging Alison Brie, so does that prove or disprove your point? I really don't know.

After a while, it becomes like trying to convince my uncle(s) that there in fact weren't any celebrations by Muslims in New Jersey on 9/11.

No there isn't, just precedent for entitled half-assed fans who casually watched Lost and didn't get the ending they wanted.

…they said, while posting on AVClub.

"But still, it tastes like your wife's mouth!" - Shaq

hahaha i'm only human, what's your excuse?