Nick Slaughter

Whoa, somebody enjoyed something about Holy Man?

also that was Cameron Diaz in "The Box" and not Reese

first off it was Cameron Diaz in that one

"I just wanted to jump in here and tell you I'm glad you're doing okay!"

"Hey Kobe, tell me how my ass taste!" - Shaq

I'll stick with the just-announced 9-to-5 game coming soon on Oculus Rift.

i'm sure the same allure of being on TV would let this type of show work in any other western country

I recently rewatched "The Claw of Shame" and forgot about the "Animal Heaven" idea. I couldn't help but crack up when the dog was flapping its jaw and the voice actor who had a thick Chinese accent ("the only one who responded to their craigslist ad") was reading the lines and making the kid cry. "Hi! It's me, your

…and that's still the only context in which I know Nick Cannon.

How about $1 billion to set up an SF car break-in task force? Just cover every block with cops who will go Officer Walker on any car thieves.

The paper will absorb their public urinations better, now that those fascists in SF are starting to paint the walls with waterproof coating.

Okay thanks again, cause I really tried with Dr. Who but all I could think was… "spastic". To the point of incoherence, even. I still insist people think the British accents make the show upper echelon. At least that's how my 12-year-old self felt when watching "Are You Being Served?" on PBS.

Yeah so you could say watching Bruce Campbell on a staticy TV is another Coens reference/trope.

actually, it was taken from Django Unchained, which took it from Desperado, which took it from Taxi Driver.

I dunno, I think the best Rick & Morty episode this year was the Multiverse Battery one.

was he also the guy in "Christine"? Or the kid who inadvertently picks a fight with Richard Tyson in "3 O'Clock High"?

Agreed, but I can't wait until the winner of both titles is supplanted by the new season of "Better Call Saul"

Thank you! I've tried really hard to love Sherlock, but can't because of the subpar and frankly uninteresting writing.

Probably you and only you?