Nick Slaughter

yeah I miss most of the references, but that one stuck out. I'm also clueless whenever there are musical references, except when they played some Feliciano.

yeah I think the "doing things to be 'cool'" accusation rings more true with The Walking Dead writers, and their gross overuse of en media res. Reminds me of the Lighthoue guy in Rick & Morty: "…cut to: title card: Three Weeks Earlier".

i dunno, "led" kinda implies that he moved up the ladder to his subsequent roles

Lillard's face is also known as "White Will Smith"

Anyone notice when Peggy was trying to get reception, it briefly showed the bark beetle documentary that Marge was watching in Fargo? In the film, it dissolves in after the slow dolly in shot of Steve Buscemi hitting the tv.

Both, but only if they're about Nazi psychopath Klaus Barbie.

Wait, what? Someone found the most useless Lifehack ever I guess.

"Barbie dolls give little boys unrealistic expectations… on how easy it is to pull off someone's head." - Anthony Jeselnik

"It sounds to me like you're the egggspurt, Mark!"

I think they just found everything pointless, like how everyone else comes to join the GR. I feel like they ditched the car to make it look like they disappeared, and ran off to join the GR. The lake being drained was just a red herring as far as Evie's story is concerned, but a big deal in Kevin's story.

She's downright amazacrazing.

abbey doobey schaaaby woooby!

Sandler was never funny. From the first time I remember seeing him on an SNL "Sabra Shopping Network" skit, he's always been there to derail the flow of comedy and just be awful. Billy Madison wasn't funny either, we were just the right age to watch it and think it was. Your memories betray you on this one.

It's just as good, I mean I think most of the writing staff is intact. Let's face it, TDS under both hosts and Last Week Tonight all have a similar formula: quick recap of a news event and and why its ridiculous, followed by a p culture reference. Sometimes it hits, sometimes it misses.

As long as they aren't hybrids, yes!

Yeah i've been hoping there will be a Season 3 that will take place during Prohibition, with a Miller's Crossing vibe

Wow. That pretty much sounds like everyone I know who would also agree with Baldwin/Gamergate on things.

R.I.P. meritxell 1988 - 2015

Is it a good trade off to live for another 50 years, but without a working colon?

I'm like 70% sure I want a "Goodbye Blue Monday" tattoo though