Nick Slaughter

Dan Harmon's clearly a Vonnegut fan, as he balances humor and emotion in amazing ways (he definitely references him a lot in his podcasts).

Like maybe Fargo, ND?

When I was 21, 9/11 was still just a shitty 311 cover band I had to put up with at my local college bar, where you could still smoke indoors.

Walter Jr. also would have shot the girl and Butcher Todd without hesitation. Maybe even drop a log on one of the corpses to punctuate his sentence.

Hapas are very distinct looking, but can lean more Caucasian than not sometimes. Still, there's always a bit of hapa-ness that shines through. What tripped me out the most was white kids who were raised locally and affected the accent.

because Jobs was never defined by his half-Syrian-ness, nor was it readily apparent in his physical appearance.



I haven't noticed too many Miller's Crossing nods, but am reserving hope for next season. What if they did Fargo during prohibition?

Anyone notice they played the Jose Feliciano song from the movie? In the scene where Steve Buscemi takes the prostitute to a Jose Feliciano dinner show.

I just wanted to say in a thread started about cereal, and then followed up with comments about Charlie, that I am proud of everybody for avoiding the obvious and hacky Walter Jr. breakfast joke. Now carry on.

He's a smooth smoothie, you know that?

many a Heroes F if i recall correctly

especially if he just got done doing some of that cocaine that he loves so much

That was Colin Farrell from True Detective.

Shit, I missed all that. Trump supporters would be the people tripping and kicking refugees in Europe if they were suddenly transplanted there.

But according to my Facebook feed, one of the actors in the "Mandingo fighting" scene actually agreed to get killed on set for the movie to make it look more real.

Hypocrisy is when you do something that you speak out against. So far, Quentin Tarantino has murdered exactly 0 unarmed black men, so he's not being hypocritical. If you can't see that, then you probably had a shitty SAT score (assuming you bothered taking it).

yeah I just read up on it and it should just have never been made.

Someone get these crybaby PC cops a Safe Space so that they can be shielded from such harsh criticism.