Nick Slaughter

maybe if it were the Hot Cops

God damn, I just wanna personally buy a ticket for Hateful Eight and mail it to every thin-skinned FOP stooge that's bitching right now.

True, but each animation studio usually goes through their own brain trust of writers and creators, so it does matter in this case.

they're just pandering to the Jawas and their illegal occupation of a country

Holy shit I didn't know "Repo Chick" existed but it was clearly shot entirely in front of a green screen, with background compositing done by Tommy Wiseau. I felt a sense of embarrassment washing over me while watching that. It looks even cheaper than "My Name Is Bruce".

"I didn't put the pills in the people, I put the people in the pills!"

I suggest skipping straight to Chapter 9: "Baboons".

I don't see much "too soon" potential for Fred Thompson. Though, wasn't he a Republican frontrunner for a week or two? Ah, times.

No, but, he's Rick.

maybe they'll do a twist on it and make him a serial rapist internet stalker creep.

4. The pre-amnesia love interest.

I think everyone forgot Behrooz, including the writers. May he sit on the couch in peace with Huell from Breaking Bad.

i'm hoping his increased exposure to the masses will have people watching that whole segment on youtube

gonna need the freakin' Teabagger Freedom Cockus in the House to get purged, slashed, and burned into history before they can begin to start over.

nope… i'm pretty sure neilsen boxes are airdropped all over flyover country, plus internet curiousity.

Nope… you forgot Enthused, and as far as Take Off Your Pants and Jacket goes, only the latter half of that album is good. Oh, and Neighborhoods is surprisingly good.

Keifer would just don some heavy armor and pulverize Nixon's car with an automatic shotgun

What if he plays a kickboxer?

Wow, totally missed that and Cousin Larry. Notice that they're all ABC stars, and Lost was on ABC, and stuff.

Where was Coach Lubbock? He's always just doing it the best he can!