Nick Slaughter

he's essentially the Al Swearengean of Jarden. I feel like it's building to a confrontation with his analogue, Kevin, who I guess would be Powers Boothe by way of Seth Bullock.

Men don't have anuses?

yeah, the camp is more of an Altamont

well Jarden's appeal isn't that it's a utopia, so much as it's a place where miracles happen

His bracelet didn't have a name on it, it was a "Sanctuary" bracelet that the church was able to give to a select folks.

It's weird thinking of Theroux as a leading man after only knowing him as skeevy David Lynch characters and the goofy warlock in "Your Highness".

It was like watching a Locke episode of Lost.

Yeah, I prefer the True Detective Season 2 song to it

ugh I remember a great episode of Homicide was ruined by the inclusion of that song at the end

Those dumbed-down quick flashbacks always drive me insane, and is why this and Fargo fall just shy of great to me. I recall Lost barely reusing old footage to explain a reveal to you (only example I have offhand is the end of "Across the Sea", as well as Breaking Bad (Hank, Walt Whitman, toilet). It's so lazy and

For the last time, those are disc cases for the screeners, and not your portable coke mirror.

well her first critique was "too many damn white people", and then the rest of her reviews would read like she didn't really pay attention while only watching each episode less than once. She also thought Kumail Nanjiani was in The Bing Bong Theory.

She was great as the First Lady in S5 of "24"

if you've actually listened to other people, you may notice liberals pointing out that a lot of Reagan's policy decisions would cause today's Republicans to label him a commie.

The Ed and Peggy storyline reminds me of "Shallow Grave", or in Coens parlance, parts of "Blood Simple". I'm a sucker for everyman/everywoman in over their head stories.

wow Sharon Oehler, you are so pretty that i will click on any link you send me — even more so if it promises me maximal wealths!

What killed me first was "royalty-free football". Just a perfectly designed "lame" manzone.

every response to this comment sucks, including this one

well they did end the uncut version with a Hot Carl

Then, where does it say a documentary is supposed to be objective? I took a studies in documentary film class for a freshman year elective, and the first thing we learned was how much BS goes into making a documentary, especially when it comes to getting the right looking shot.