Nick Slaughter

yeah they're really missing a lot of opportunities by not copying Lost's structure of one character flashback per episode. There was a scene last year of the Terminus folks when they were in prison, and i think the rest of that story would have made a great backstory plot for an episode.

yeah but "he's fuckin deformed!"

Is he really a good guy? He has no honor or loyalty!

still a better education investment than Trump University

Wow, I tried the reassembling method but just ended up with a mangled cassette. My cousin managed to pull it off with a copy of Stairway to Heaven, and man was that shit scarier on a tape than in Windows Sound Recorder.

I used to leave out sugar piles on my sidewalk in the summer, and return to them a few hour later when they were covered with ants, carrying a candle, spray bottle full of lighter fluid, and a head full of bad intentions. But god was it fun torching ants while dropping candle wax on the ones trying to escape.

I have a very rare Mary Worth where she talks a friend into committing suicide.

Kramer sure was ahead of the curve on circumcision. It seems like there was a preceived medical value for circumcising boys, while female circumcision was only practiced for more barbaric reasons. Of course now I'm in too deep with making fun of my uncircumcised college roommate so much that I have to stay on the

I'm sure a lot of black scholars who have studied books and things would know if you need a KKK membership or not, and not because they have an issue with black people but because they prefer to do research first then talk later, instead of the opposite. If only that was also the default mindset of internet

Can you really be an objective judge of reason when a few comments up you actually said "GamerGate is not anti-woman, it's anti-feminist."?

There have been two prominent mass killings by dudes who were pissed they weren't popular and weren't getting laid, which is kind of the profile of GamerGate supporters (libertarian, bad with women, love arguing on the internet, etc.)

So maybe the reveal that Samus Aran was a woman really did help my 9-year-old brain grow up to be not sexist. Or maybe it was getting through adolescence without being a self-pitying bitch about rejection from women.

Then Dumb Heroes Reborn would be a bit redundant to say

Yeah I discovered that recently, and found a message from 2010 from some dude I met somewhere, and he messaged me saying he was about to make a big life decision about going to school and wanted my advice. Oops.

Damn, why's everybody got to be so PC and easily offended? Talk about your thin skin liberal cops. Cause we all know how liberal cops are.

Yay Front Bottoms, glad to see them get a mention around here. They sold out Slim's in SF before I could get a ticket, now it's like $100 each if any are left.

go to a gun store in Reno some time, i went to one that was also a range and the staff that night were all tatted up young'ins who listen to that punk rock.

i like to think since juggalos are the outcasts of where they live, and they mostly live in the redneck regions, they're most likely the least racist people in their towns. also they listen to rap.

the only scary thing is how she milks her surname for laffs

Something tells me this guy has the same hacky comment for every news story about a young 20something teacher getting fired for seducing one of her 8th grade students.