Nick Slaughter

It was straight to DVD, and came packaged in those cheap flimsy DVD boxes… the kind that shred.

"The franchise is toast!"

I heard they wanted Philip Glass to compose the score but then Willis was all like "Glass? Who gives a shit about Glass?"

James Franco

The only way this can work is if it's a remake of The Princess Bride. At the very least, I hope every scene has at least one very subtle line that's a callback to the previous films cause it'd be a funny wink because those events haven't happened yet so how could McClaine know he was foreshadowing while he does it?

So is the Coens reference for the night the UFO, a la "The Man Who Wasn't There"?

I really didn't love Season One until the episode that tied Oliver Platt to the money from the film. Before that, it was a slow like.

"Say it in Greek!"

Where's my godfucking Black and Decker Hydrator?

i'll accept it

Shit, George had me at From Dusk Til Dawn

More like Kingfisher Stevens. Cause Kingfisher is a beer made in India. And FIsher Stevens did brownface playing an Indian in Short Circuit.

Hey I can tell you about the time Tom Sizemore came to do a motion capture shoot for a video game but was hungover or in hard drug withdrawal mode, and ended up puking on camera when they were doing facial capture! Actually, I can't, since I'm not supposed to know it happened and they were diligent about deleting the

No avatar = dubious

please exit using the smaller door over in the corner, please. Yes, the one you have to crawl through.

despite your anecdotal sampling, Lindelof and Cuse all but said on the podcast that they intentionally made the existence of Jacob vague, so I really don't see your point or why you feel you need to keep arguing this. You must be new to internet comment threads, where disagreements occur quite often and you just have

How is that not a reveal? His existence was teased over a few seasons, then we have a cold open of some dude we've never seen talking to another dude we've never seen, then the dude dressed in black walks away and says "nice speaking with you, Jacob" and then it cuts to the Lost logo. That's usually how they deliver

For all we know, he had a falling out with his mother, the way his mother did.

Yes, ever since Desmond first mentioned the idea of a "leader" in Season 2, they've hinted both at the existence and non-existence of a leader.

The season 5 finale had two of the show's best and well-executed reveals, that Jacob was real and that Locke was the smoke monster.