Deadpool and Stephen Colbert are making jokes about President Trump. The future is weird man.
Deadpool and Stephen Colbert are making jokes about President Trump. The future is weird man.
Because of nazi’ism.
Ooooh, a Bendis/Maleev J’onn series could be great.
Morality-based policy is nearly always counterproductive.
You ATE her?
That movie is great for a dumb comedy.
What about Neil Diamond?
Thanks for that, ya cheeseburger walrus!
Now that’s some offensive rebounding!
Jon Daly is one of the most underappreciated figures in comedy.
Do you grown your own tomatoes? Do you have a cow that makes your own milk? Of fucking course not cuz that’s a lot of work. Why spend money and time and energy growing your own, crappy weed when you can spend less money, time, energy buying much better weed (or tomatoes or milk).
How would he feel about playing The Creeper?
I liked Raphael’s relationship with Yoshi. And Mikey had a crush on the freedom fighter girl. I genuinely think TMNT 3 had better ideas than Ooze. Walker’s gun trade is a good plot, and its set at the end of the age of the Samurai. The locales are also a nice change of pace from the city.
He and Arya ride off into the sunset after all is said and done. Traveling the world and exploring its mysteries, free from family baggage and responsibility.
It’s amazing how Louie Anderson disappears into the character.
The best ad for the Kirkland brand is clearly Baskets
She obviously doesn’t know squat about the Ming Dynasty, the trade channels to the “Orient”, or the structures in Asia that to further back than any society Europeans have built.