How great was Rutter Holzhauer in Blade Runner. I mean, that speech in the rain!?! #chefskiss
How great was Rutter Holzhauer in Blade Runner. I mean, that speech in the rain!?! #chefskiss
It appears each Veidt scene is spaced a year apart, and what we’re getting is a 9 (?) year recap of Veidt’s struggle to get out of his biosphere. I know this season is not supposed to end on a cliffhanger and is meant to be self-contained (but still possible to be expanded), so I’m wondering at what year we’ll have…
Press F to Deadspin Forever.
The sea was angry that day my friends!
I'd be down with an " I dream of Jeannie"or "Bewitched" style half hour comedy featuring Ray and Nora. And you know what...have Nate join them as the whacky next door neighbor.
yeah but no one cares about rip
A few years ago I visited a plantation that I had been to on a school field trip when I lived in the area. I was already acquainted with it’s history and mostly wanted to check out some architectural features that child-me wouldn’t have appreciated.
Many cultures have a legend about a missing-link creature that exists unseen in uninhabited areas. It makes me wonder if perhaps at one time they did exist.
A genderswapped “Peep Show?” That’s Numberwang!
Comedy Central once aired a program back in 1999 called ‘I’m with Busey’, and it was about some comedian hanging with Gary Busey. True story.
It would be remiss not to note the role the current regime in the United States has had in fostering incel culture. Gamergate was a watershed moment in mobilizing online misogyny. Some of the key people fanning the flames of online anger associated with that event include Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos. They…
Who are the cheap motherfuckers who are making the interns to pay for shit? If you have interns, the point of that is to bring them along in the field- networking, training, skill-building, etc, whether on the clock or off. Jesus Christ. Pay for the fucking charcuterie board and their drink at the events, especially…
I think of Dunbar when I’m stuck in a maddeningly boring class/meeting/waiting room.
Eat a hot dog, wave a flag and take a dick up the ass all at the same time? That's some impressive multitasking. I struggle to accomplish any of those on its own. I tip my hat towards you, good sir.
Exactly, I know more than one rape victim who thinks being raped made them a stronger person. It’s a coping mechanism. The show isn’t saying that Sansa’s rape made her stronger, it’s saying that she thinks it did.
Jesus. Imagine if anyone actually watched the god damn show and realized that maybe, JUST FUCKING MAYBE, she’s rationalizing. She’s not stupid. She god damn well knows that she should’ve gone with the hound, but she also knows that there’s not a lick of good that would come from her wallowing in thing that happened in…
I just stopped by to say that David Brooks sucks and I hate him.