One time some friends and I were talking about oral sex, and one friend said, “I won’t eat the box unless it’s special.” We turned it into a country song.
One time some friends and I were talking about oral sex, and one friend said, “I won’t eat the box unless it’s special.” We turned it into a country song.
I hope Brandon finds success on another silly nerd show. He’s built for it.
My roommate is watching Barry, and said “I can’t believe it’s the guy from Office Space!” When I told him that Stephen Root has been in a million other things, he was in disbelief. Pretty sure he thought Stephen Root’s whole career consisted of Barry and Office Space.
Next season, they should just do it like KFC does the Colonel ads. Different celebrity Trump every week.
Lorne’s a dick and wanted the star power. Hammond assumed he’d get the gig too until Lorne inexplicably went with Baldwin, whose impression is one-note and atrocious.
The real rule is, when you are one of those people, you hate all the others. When you’re in a car, you hate bikers, and when you’re on a bike, you hate drivers. But usually that hate is unjustified because the other party is doing the same shit you would do if you were in their situation. For example, when you’re on…
Every time I go for a run and get a runner’s high, I think of Super Hans hooked on the endorphins.
Shouldn’t this be filed to “Great Job Internet”?
This is the only answer. I posted a similar comment but always get stuck in the grays.
The only way it makes it more fun to watch is by rooting for the other contestants to beat his smug ass. I used to watch and be like, “Oh, I like the cut of that guy’s jib, I hope he wins.” Or, “That guy seems like a douche. I hope he loses.” But now I’m like, “C’mon, Lisa! Take his fucking ass down! Kill kill kill!!!”…
I can’t believe no one in the comments has suggested this yet (and my comment will probably get stuck in the grays) but here goes:
Not all heroes wear capes.
Hoho beriberi
I don’t even see how homosexuality has anything to do with a “war for our culture.” I can eat a hot dog and wave a flag just as well with a dick in my ass, thank you very much.
This is worse than that time in college when I started writing a screenplay about a character (based on me) who made a deal with the devil to carry out his mission to re-make Spider-Man 3. But then I realized how stupid that was and wrote something else. Still really fucking hate Spider-Man 3 though.
That scene was meant to humanize the Lannister soldiers, but here’s a fun fact for all you non-book readers out there: “Hands of Gold” is a a song by Symon Silvertongue, a singer who stumbled onto knowledge of Tyrion’s relationship with Shae and wrote the song with the intention of blackmailing Tyrion. “For hands of…
Said this already in a different comment, but no one survives except Sam and Bronn.
Except we got to learn a lot about what it takes to make a good queen/king. Nobody survives except Sam and Bronn.