Wait, where can I get one those vacuums?
Wait, where can I get one those vacuums?
If it helps all these fat (and stupid) sumbitches lose some weight, wtf, let 'em do it...
This thing is a pile of crap. Blows up on me when making bulletproof coffee.
This thing is a pile of crap. Blows up on me when making bulletproof coffee.
Women: ruining everything for men since the Garden of Eden.
Interesting side note:
Don't buy the shit in the first place... it really ain't that good for ya.
Showed this piece to my neighbor who works at Burger King. He said, "Damn right! I fuckin' need a fuckin' raise bitches!" Then he marched back into his apartment, took a bong hit, plopped down on the couch, and turned on that stupid-ass E! channel.
I've gone through more than my share of electric razors. The best have been cheap Brauns, the worst by far have been the Norelco "three-way flexing head" razors (what a joke). My vote goes to the Braun PocketGo P-70, which I believe has been replaced be model M60 or the M90. You can't go wrong with an electric razor…
I've gone through more than my share of electric razors. The best have been cheap Brauns, the worst by far have been…
Great idea but it doesn't work all the time. Crashed the second time I opened it. 'course I'll cut some slack... it's still in beta.
6. There will be times where you'll need to work 14 hours/day, 7 days/week. Not many, but it will happen.
186 mph? You'd have to be fucking crazy.
Unimpressive how you engage your readers. 'course it's also unimpressive how you Jezzies suck up to this power-hungry political machine. Curious how folks on either end of the spectrum never really question "your man/woman/person's" motives. Signing out for the day... I gotta get some work done.
For fuck's sake it's music. Truck didn't spew a single lyric. Thanks for the filling in the background and ruining it for everyone.
Despise stupidity and greed more than good business sense. There, fixed that.
2032? Would appear that NBC just signed up to fund the Olympics for 2.5 decades!
Per the court agreement, the attorneys for the class members can receive up to 25% of the $3.75 million settlement, or $937,500. Vibram must pay up to an additional $70,000 of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the plaintiff's counsel in relation to this case.
This is such bullshit. Fire the dumbass and tell fatty you're sorry. Why the fuck does it have to go beyond that? Oh, and fatty needs to get some thicker skin.
That is NOT a "giant gun" no matter how you look at it.
Hola SU. Quick question: Do the folks at SU consider governments (in general), a necessity, or a detriment to progress toward the singularity?
Fracking bureaucrats always looking for another thing to regulate. Another indication of a bloated, overstepping government.