Nick Johnson

Until you see that movie you've no place to call it propaganda (it's the furthest thing from it). Until then, STFU; you sound like a arm flapping left winger (it's always someone else's fault). It makes you look really stupid. Do a little homework before you speak up again.

Bullshit. There's no way one party shoulders more blame in the predicament we're in. No fucking disclaimers are needed; they're BOTH fucked up. Watch the goddamn movie and then post a rational comment.

We may have the "best" money, but our government's fiscal policy and our monetary policy are doing their darnedest to end that.

Not that I'm a fan of current gun laws/lobbies, but how are we already in deep shit?

The thanks need to go to politicians in both parties. Watch Of By For and you'll see exactly what the problem is.

How thoroughly unimpressive.

Step 1: Don't get into debt.


You're a troll. Or an incredibly huge douche. Or both.

I've found that Fiorinal with codeine and a long nap is an exceptional means of curing a hangover .

That's disgusting. Prime example of what's wrong with our society. Where can I get my settlement?

Thanks, just ordered a pair for myself.

Theoretically it's possible. "Time machine" not developed yet.

Been done. By a black hole.

Strap on a parachute. Engineer a soft landing system. Unless you actually WANT to break bones, but then that would be contradictory to the premise.

Possibly the only thing that's impossible is just that.

Do I need to repeat my request? Really?

Really? Tell me one thing that is impossible.

Quite the contrary RottingCorpse. I give till it hurts and volunteer ungodly swaths of my time to help the aforementioned. I'm just not a big fan of system we've created.

It IS your money. And it's your government too... hence it's STILL your money when you give it to the government... it's not some corporation or the corner liquor store who can literally do with their money (that you've given them) what they please. Don't ever forget that. And I would never suggest you take it up